If I’M going to risk MY health to pay YOU money to make MY food then you better make it EXACTLY the way that IIIII want. You change your gloves each and everytime you touch anything! You wash your hands with hot water and soap for 1 minutes after touching ANYTHING even if you were wearing gloves then you SANITIZE them. got it? You better make sure that restaurant is damn near spotless because if I see even 1 germ I’m calling the health department to shut you down. You WILL change your gloves when I demand it and you will do it swiftly. YOU cater to ME alright. Yea this may just be some temporary minimum wage job for you but YOU work for ME. You will obey my orders as I demand or you will just cease to exist at this point. I tell you what to do and how to do it and if you dont think I’m supervising you got another damn thing coming.