Shut the fuck up you gay ass son-of-a-bitch. Do you know how fucking much you insulted motherfucking people by saying “🅱️”? Using your stupid bullshit, you, the asshole, just fucking insulted their god-dammed country, religion, culture, traditions, language, gender, social status, age, and family. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself, you little bastard. I hope you die in the most retarded and bizarre ways possible: like your wife accidentally biting your dick when having oral sex (out of all things… like what the fucking hell were you thinking?!), choking her and killing her as you painfully and miserably die from fucking blood loss, or a retarded butcher assuming you are a cow from the amount of bouncing fat on your body and shoving you through the meat grinder. The piece of parasitic shit on Earth consisting of you needs to be removed immediately.