Peppa pig just went years years ahead of the music industry,her first album becoming certified platinum and winning all possible music awards was expected,but theres still people hating on peppa becaue theyre jealous of her outstanding talent over the whole music industry imma adress some points people make.

1.These are reused songs from years back
That just says the album was worked on for years and it means we wont get another project for a long time but it paid off for peppa as noone yet known can outshine peppa in the music industry.
2.Peppa pig makes songs for children.
Well maybe fucking grow up because youre acting like a child,peppa makes hits for all ages and her vibrant personality helps her music spread,she sold 68.3M copies first day you know who did that? noone literally noone.

Hope you all understand that peppa pigs first album is a classic outstanding anything done in music ever it’s like a coming of christ for the music industry in the age of bland and unoriginal artists peppa pig comes to save us but also wipes the floor with everything done before and anything that will be done after. Instead of Before the 2000’s or after the 2000’s it should be called BEFORE PEPPA AND AFTER PEPPA because peppas influence over music has secretely snuck its way into EACH of your favorite artists style,peppa outdid the entire game and youre all too scared to admit it.