AITA for almost having sex with my 7 year old cousin?
I (F23), went to some relatives with my mom (F45) last tuesday. I saw my cousin (M7) and he was looking hella fire. He had the potential to be a heartbreaker. Anyways, we were drinking coffee and he came in the room and asked me to come with him. We went to his room and he just pulled his pants down. I was shocked. It was HUGE! He was packing some real shit in there, anyways, I told him to pull his pants up. He didn’t listen. I tried leaving the room but he had locked it after we entered I assume. (He entered after me.) After that, he tried pulling MY pants down and I was so horny for his juicy cock I couldn’t resist. I knew it was a little kid but he was asking for it and his dick looked like an adult’s. So we got our clothes off, got in the bed. As he was just about to put his dick in (His dick was literally touching my vagina.) The door unlocked and our parents entered. They told me “HE’S JUST A KID!” and “HE’S YOUR COUSIN!” but I can sense something brewing between me and him. My mom has not talked to me for the past couple of days and the cousin’s side of the family all blocked me. I don’t know what to do. I want to see my love again. AITA?