forreal everyone who makes fun of vegans need to shut the FUCK up. u can explain the environmental/ethical/health/all other reasons of a plantbased diet for hours on end and all u get is a “but vegan food tastes like shit lol”. bitch u dont like any fruit or vegetable? u dont like spices? u dont like rice? potatoes? newsflash thats all fuckin vegan. ive also literally never seen a vegan aggressively judging a nonvegans eating habits but we get sent pictures of bloody steak and ribs and shit all the fucking time like its so overdone bitch fucking PLEASE. “vegans get off ur moral high horse and stop shoving ur lifestyle down our throats”…we’re literally vegan because we. don’t. think. we’re. superior!!??? its so hard trying to explain my lifestyle to others on campus at this point its so fucking ironic how this school is full of smart kids who actively choose to b ignorant. ive NEVER berated no one for their food choices and yet ppl get defensive at the mere mention of veganism. and before anyone gets started im from a low income family and im a POC so yall can miss me with that “veganism is for skinny rich white kids” bullshit.

60 BILLION animals slaughtered each year, yall. we’re really not tryna antagonize u we just want fewer animals to get tortured and die. nothin funny about it.