Aliens… They were shapeshifting reptilian aliens…from planet Nibiru who hitched a ride back to earth with NASA during the Lunar space program. It was all part of a bigger plan. That’s why they assasinated Kennedy, because he knew of the grand plan and was going to go public. Now you may say… “that cannot be so, as the Beatles pre-date the lunar landing, right?…and Kennedy was assasinated in November 1963 before the Beatles were widely known…” Well, thats where Doctor Emmett Brown comes into the picture with the Delorean, which, by the way, is a true story that the Jews who control Hollywood made out as fiction just to hide his involvement and hide the whole plan in plain sight. The CIA, in conjunction with the Intelligensia and the those same Hollywood controlling Jews employed Doctor Emmett Brown to transport Fohn, Faul, Fingo & Feorge back to 1963 and the Delorean pulled up in the rear lane behind the Kaiserkeller Club in Hamburg. Now, you may say… “But the Delorean is a two-seater, and anyhow the flux capacitor would be in the way if they had their guitars with them, right?…” Well, my exhaustive research uncovered the fact Doc Emmett Brown made two confirmed trips that night, the second where he dropped Fingo & Feorge off, returning to Hamburg in 1963 only moments after dropping off Faul & Fohn. It is my belief that there was a third, undocumented trip for Fingo’s Ludwig drum kit that followed the first two trips. Its all clearly documented in my research papers found on my website