Those sons of bitches. I may be overvaluing this but my account HAD TO BE OVER $10000.
Do these FUCKS know who they messed with? I’ll have them know I graduated top of my class in the ninja arts and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the PSA.
I EVEN HAD DISNEY ON THE PAYROLL. those slimy motherfuckers were getting payed monthly and annually through my funding. I WAS CONSIDERED A LEVEL 5 MEMBER, ONLY THE ELITE AND RICHEST HAD SUCH A GRAND TITLE.
Not only was I one of the most notorious club penguin mobsters, I was also among the top sled racers of all times. I was a +1000x champion, only being beaten a couple of times. I still vividly remember my retirement after being humiliated in a race, ending with me in tears (in real life, look at sidebar pic just like that) only to come back from retirement and grew even stronger!
After my retirement I owned and managed over 100 clubs and pizzerias garnering over $2,000,000 coins in profit. Some of the most famous penguins even visited me occasionally (rockhopper and gary, i even had all their backgrounds hahaha)
Still don’t believe I was a legit fucking pimp/stud? here’s some video evidence
too bad i grew up to be a bitch ass. i could never live up to glory days and now i just sit in my room eating my life away looking at club penguin memes. i wanna fucking die haha