I got a funny joke for ya. You wanna hear my funny joke? It’s so great. It’s gonna knock your socks off.
It’s such a funny joke. Do you wanna hear my funny joke? It’s so great. It’s gonna rock your block off.

You wanna hear my funny joke? It’s gonna be a great joke, you’re gonna laugh. You’re gonna uproariously laugh. It’s so great that you’re gonna wish you had a cock that I could knock off. Do you wanna hear my funny joke? Oh I’ve got such a great joke for you. Do you wanna hear this joke? It’s too good, it’s too good of a joke, I cant tell you. I cant tell you this joke. You’re not good enough for this joke. You gotta work for this joke. You gotta think for a minute, do you think you’re ready for this joke?

Do you think you can handle all of this joking that I’m about to do. Do you think that you’re mentally prepared, physically prepared, spiritually prepared? Do you think that you gotta go to a psychic, get all the anti jokes burned out of your body.

Do you wanna hear this joke? Are you ready for this joke? Wanna hear a funny joke? Wanna hear a joke that’s just gonna be so great that your fucking face is gonna melt off? Do you wanna hear a joke so good that you’re gonna absolutely fucking hate yourself for not hearing this joke before?

Do you wanna hear this joke that I came up with in 8th grade? I thought of it in 8th grade, was quite the savant, I was a genius, a joke genius. A joke connoisseur. I collected jokes all over the land, and this one joke that I made myself with my own two hands, my own two joke hands, is one of the greatest that I’ve ever come up with. This joke is so good, it is a finely crafted joke. It’s an exquisite joke, it’s got laughs, it’s got sad. It’ll make you think. It’ll make you wonder. It’s culturally relevant.

You’re gonna be thinking of this joke for ages. You’re gonna be wondering why did I never think of this joke before. Why is Brendaniel, the joke man, just so good at what he does? Why is he so good at jokes? Why can’t I be good at jokes? You’re gonna have an existential crisis. You’re gonna wonder, am I a bad human being?

You know I say that a lot. I say that you’re gonna wonder if you’re a bad human being, but no, you’re not gonna wonder that at all because you’re a beautiful human being. You’re beautiful. You have great skin, great hair, no hair, lots of hair, some hair, eyebrows maybe? Blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes? Amber eyes, and you, you are going to enjoy this joke.

This joke is gonna be so good, it is going to be great. You ever hear someone say this: You gotta hear this joke? I’ve got a funny joke for you. Isn’t it annoying when someone does this to you? When they say: I’ve got a funny joke and it just keeps going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about the funny joke they have? They’re giggling. They’re giggling. They’re thinking about the joke now. Oh it’s breaking them down, it’s building them back up again, they’re like a wall that’s being continuously being knocked down and rebuilt by some incompetent construction worker. They’re fucking losers. They’re fucking losers.

Guess what? I dont have any joke for you. I don’t have a joke at all. I lied, I’m a fucking piece of shit. I’m scum. I’m human waste. I should take a knife and slit my fucking wrists. I should go into my kitchen cabinet and drink three gallons of bleach. Just to feed your fucking meme machine, but guess what? I lied again mother fucker. I do have a joke for you. It’s sitting in the back of my mind. I’ve thought of it so long, I’ve wanted to share it with the world and I’m going to make this joke right now, this Star Wars joke.

What does Qui-Gon Jinn always say to his unruly Padawawn? Obi quiet.