boy you really just stopped putting in any effort whatsoever, didn’t you?

People will downvote. You yourself will cry “You’re not my audience!” like in that big whiny wall of text from a week or two ago. But this is criticism and it’d be nice if you at least considered it. Yeah, yeah, I saw, I heard, I know, “A lot of people like it!”, well, good for them, I and some others don’t, and we’re critiquing it. You don’t get to dismiss criticism just because not everyone feels the same.

These are some of the laziest, most repetitive comics I have ever seen in my life.

Dinosaur Comics uses the exact same art for every single comic every single day and it is less repetitive content than this, because it’s creative and well-written.

You use the exact same concept for every single comic and it’s overwhelmingly repetitive because the punchline is always the same and there’s nothing creative about it. You or some completely featureless character encounters an aspect of life or life itself personified as a blue person with their “thing” written on their chest. Then that thing knocks them down a peg via the realities of life.

*Super* funny and creative.

Being relatable is not enough to produce quality content. Everyone has moments like these. But I think most people have less of them in a month than you produce comics about in a week. Even /r/meirl is over these comics and they can relate to a fucking piece of toast that fell the wrong way on the floor. That other guy, the guy who draws the people with one eye floating off their face, he does similar comics pretty often but people don’t get sick of it because he puts in an effort other than “haha guys sometimes life is kind of upsetting lol” and mixes it up. He makes the same point via a little mini-story, not just “okay, but what if the punchline is literally a character on screen”. It’s one thing to develop a style, it’s another to lose your style and replace it with low-effort simplistic pandering crap like this.

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