I looked into your linked blog and have determined that is absolutely a geek-fest.

Back when I was in high school in the late 1960s, the boys and I would beat up dweebs and geeks and nerds who sat quietly in their little corners and made these weird game-like drawings (and after school went to the arcade to play video games). Now, this type of behavior has been popularized in popular culture for some reason. Anyway, my point is that these are the type of people that would get beaten up. After that, the boys and I would go play some football and then screw our hot gfs until they were moaning in another language.

So I’d suggest you all learn from the mistakes of the older nerds who got beat up and stop this “hobby” or whatever it is of yours. Life’s hard enough already, why make it more difficult for yourself by doing everything possible to get beaten?

You’re welcome for that advice.