Did uwu evew heaw the twagedy of dawth pwagueis the wise? i thought nowt. Iwt’s nowt a stowy the jedi wouwd teww uwu. Iwt’s a sith wegend. Dawth pwagueis was a dawk wowd of the sith, so powewfuw awnd so wise he couwd use the fowce tuwu infwuence the midichwowians tuwu cweate wife… he had such a knowwedge of the dawk side thawt he couwd even keep the ones he cawed abouwt fwom dying. The dawk side of the fowce iws a pathway tuwu many abiwities sowme considew tuwu be unnatuwaw. He became so powewfuw… the onwy thing he was afwaid of was wosing hiws powew, which eventuawwy, of couwse, he did. Unfowtunatewy, he taught hiws appwentice evewything he knew, then hiws appwentice kiwwed him in hiws sweep. Iwonic. He couwd save othews fwom death, but nowt himsewf.