Sorry for how disgusting and clear I make this but this comes from a comment I made on someone’s post. This goes out to anyone about to have sex or those who just got someone pregnant or just became pregnant. You need to look out for your safety and best interest. If you are with your partner. You both need to look out for your and each others safety, health and the risks. No matter what. Never be unprotected even if you’re in the moment and want to make yourself and or your partner feel good. Always wear protection, or as a female if you are planning to have sex with your partner for a period of time, look into birth control options. My ex and I were but we never did anything about it. And she didn’t like condoms so I didn’t wear and I’ve heard bad about them but anyway read this…

I (17m) almost got my ex (17f) pregnant. We fucked in a playground and on her couch. I never actually came in her but my precum may have entered. We don’t even know, but showing that she started feeling symptoms about 7-10 days afterwards, kinda proved she was pregnant. She took two pregnancy tests which came out negative and positive. We ended up scheduling an appointment at planned parenthood to get a test. I couldn’t go back there with her until the personal questions were done being asked, and they told us it came out negative but they believe that she is pregnant because of the symptoms she is experiencing but it could still be early so to come back in a week or two. But we told our parents it was positive anyway. She only told her mom because her dad didn’t know at the time because he is mentally and physically abusive so we weren’t going to tell him in fear of him forcing her back to his house, even without custody. But it was mainly to help get her out of the house she was in, with her dad and step mom. She wanted to kill herself and runaway but I’d always talk to her getting her to not think like that and that I’d always be here and if something happens to her then the same happens to me because I couldn’t handle that. But anyway, as time went on she ended up moving In with me to my moms, but we were moving in a trailer outside to have our own space and pretty much start our lives from the ground up right there. To be honest with you, we were excited for a baby, we’re both Christian, she’s not a spiritually strong (not as an insult) but we were also scared and terrified and nervous beyond anything we could bear. I always tried my best to be there for her, make sure she’s okay, and do anything I could. Through this time together, we basically lost all self control and we decided since we’re having a baby anyway, because she didn’t want to abort or cancel it’s life, we still believe even as an embryo, you have a soul, but we tried anyway for the baby, and when we chose this decision, it was not in decision of love but lust because since we’re having a baby anyways we could fuck all we want. And trust me, we did. My apologies for being so vulgar and disgusting but I came in her A LOT. When we got the test, they said it came out negative and they believe she miscarried. She was completely broken and devastated. She was crying a lot. I wasn’t crying, I was just mad and confused and broke. I had no idea what to think. I was holding her in the parking lot. On the way home, we stopped by Starbucks and my mom called me, She asked me how the appointment went, I didn’t say anything because I was beyond upset. She said it came out negative didn’t it? I told her what they said and she said no she didn’t, she didn’t miscarry, we have a lot to talk about when we get home. In a pissed off voice. She and my family believe we were lying about this. On day 1 of finding out, she kicked my ex out and sent her to live with her friend and basically said she’s not her problem anymore. Now that she knows my ex wont be having my kid.

But here comes the twist.

We took her to get a blood test before she was kicked out. The next day the results came back and basically said there was never a baby being formed or the hormone in her body.

I didn’t know if I could believe the technology but I didn’t know. It’s crazy. It’s because my ex went through the EXACT symptoms a pregnant woman would go through, week by week. Each symptom.

But I came to terms with myself that there was never a baby.

And less than 1% of women suffer from pseudocyesis which cause by trauma, physical, sexual, mental, emotional. Pseudocyesis is a fake pregnancy. You go through the symptoms but no baby is ever created. I believe that’s what happens because that is the ONLY explanation. Besides Gods plan which I am really realizing. There’s alot to that but I won’t go into it.

This all happens last month. Within June 2nd to July 2nd this all happened. But we had a relationship for 10 months.