Why is Itachi the Solo King? That’s a good question, although it’s like asking why does pb and j taste so good together? Why is the sky blue? Why is Sakura’s forehead so huge they should use it to block the sun when it gets too hot? That’s just the way it is.

The truth is Solo King can solo anyone from any universe. I mean who can even challenge him? Kaguya? I don’t think so. He just has to totsuka blade her ass back to sleep. Madara? Hahahaha don’t make me laugh. Every Uchiha fears and respects the Solo King and once Madara accidentally meets Itachi’s eyes he’ll simultaneously jizz and crap his white SO6Pants from realizing he’s in Tsukiyomi land now. The ONLY reason Itachi-Sama died was because Sasuke kept pestering him 24/7 about playing and training with him so he made his foolish little brother take the Solo King out of his misery from the boredom of playing with Sasgay. Had Solo King not been bored, he could’ve solo’d all the Hokage, the 100,000 Zetsu, Madara, Obito, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura (I forgot Sasuke Solo’d her in this moment) The 10 tails, the 1-9 tailed beasts and Hagoromo… at once.

Even Kishi fears getting Solo’d, no one is safe.