My queen,

I’m so sorry for what other incels have done.

This is partly why I just plain gave up on team based multiplayer games, at least ranked games. There is too much that can go wrong. Either I fuck up in something, and that causes four other people to lose, or someone else fucks up, and that causes me to lose. At least with 1v1 games (or FFA), me losing is entirely my own fault.

I kind of have a theory as to why people tend to harass women/minorities, and I call it the “ball theory”. Basically, everybody who wants to complain will do so by attacking you. The only way they can attack you is by “grabbing” onto some aspect of you as a person. If you are a woman, they attack that. If you are black, they attack that. If you are left handed, they attack that. Basically anything they don’t personally share will be attacked.

That’s why anonymity is great, because you don’t have to reveal anything about yourself. You can be smooth like a ball, with nothing to actually “grip” onto. Obviously, with a game like League, where you pretty much need voice chat, that is somewhat difficult.

As for playing League, my best advice would be to stop playing ranked with randoms. It is too stressful, especially because something is on the line. I used to play competitive TF2 with an actual team (well, we were incredibly low, but still), and it was the greatest time playing. Yes, it was stressful because I faced the possibility of disappointing not just random people, but people I considered friends, but it was so much better than when I played Dota. Instead of just calling me a retard for missing a pipe or jumping wrong, the rest of the team would actually invest in me, and I invest in them.

Seriously, mentally delete the “ranked matchmaking” button from your mind. It’s presence in team based games is a cancer upon the industry, and should only be used by full teams.