According to world population studies, approximately 108,760,543,791 people have lived on this planet. Assuming that the average lifespan of all these people was 35, there have been around 3,806,619,032,685 years of life, if we multiply this by the number of days in a year (365.242189 including leap years), there is a total of 1,390,337,868,186,931.947465 days of life. Not once in any of those days (\~1.4 quadrillion days) did anybody ask. If we take into account the number of alternate realities in which you hadn’t asked that, we get an incomprehensible number, which would constantly go on, and on, and on, until the loop of big bangs and universe resets finally stop, which is never, and thus, not once in any of an infinite amount of days did anybody ask that.