I would rather sit in a hot Bolivian tram with an incompetent driver blasting abhorrent music into my ears with the urge to shit, and when the strain of my fecal matter building up inside my rectum is too much, I let loose, and a peel forms around my balls and ass and having no access to a lavatory within the next 50 miles than listen to the endless stream of shit that whirls out of your mouth that are barely scraping the margin of being ‘words’.

The endless produce of useless garbage that meanders itself past your esophagus is laughable. The mere nerve it would take to spew out words such as yours as an average person is equivalent to walking into a bank and saying, ”Hey, I am going to rob this bank now. I have no guns, no weapons, no right to do this but I will for the sake of my shitty, pointless array of words that perpetually squeeze their way out of my dumbfuck mouth.”

If, right at this moment, I were to hear a snippet of one of your awful quotes, I would pull out a weapon capable of decapitating an elephant if a fish held it in it’s gill and swiped in one swift motion, and proceed to drill it into my skull with no hesitation. Please end your life before you devote another millisecond of your time to letting your dumbass brain work its machinery to chug out one more of your stupid, mindless and awful statements.