I’m a lesbian. It’s not that interesting. There are millions of other lesbians, I’m sure you know a few. But you don’t know me. So what makes you think its ok to ask me deeply personal questions? don’t act like you care about my coming out story or my relationships or anything like that, because all you really want to know is if I’ve fucked a guy, if I ever would, and how I have sex with girls. Oh and if you can watch. I’m so sick of that one. I know I’m pretty, I know I don’t come off as “butch”, and I know I could “have so many guys” thank you but I don’t want them. Please just stop reducing me to your sexual fantasies. There are so many interesting things about me! Im traveling next month! I know 4 languages! I’m an apprentice at a tea house! I love astrophysics and philosophy and video games! Please stop thinking you can “turn me” or that girls are only “supposed” to be with dudes. I don’t care how “cool” you are with it. Every time a guy finds out I’m gay every single conversation revolves around that. Like yea I got it, you’re disappointed, sorry? Move on.