* Lady: Um, but we told you he’s an Article Four Free Inhabitant so he does not have to have a license. This is on recording.
* Cop: Well, most likely, uh, I got a lot going on with this article. Three or four…
* Lady: Article Four, Free Inhabitant, pursuant to the Articles of Confederation, you can look it up, it’s in the United States Book of Codes. It is your laws you have to follow.
* Cop: Alright, I will do that. Okay, walk back here.
* Lady: *sighs*
* Cop: I have a… 12-500 on Cass-
* Lady: Article Four, no, Article Four: Free Inhabitant, it’s different.
* Cop: Okay.
* Lady: Article Four: Free Inhabitant, pursuant to the Articles of Confederation.
* Cop: Okay, put the camera down for me. If it records that fine, but I don’t want you holding anything–
* Lady: No weapons, no weapons, alright.
* Cop: Okay, so, what I’m gonna ask you to do, is the same thing.
* Lady: And get out of the car?
* Cop: Yes.
* Lady: No, I’m not getting out of the car.
* Cop: Alright.
* Lady: You can go get your superior.
* Cop: Well I am going to tow this car, and you cannot be in the vehicle while I’m towing this vehicle.
* Lady: Well if you go get your superior–
* Cop: That’s not going to happen right now.
* Lady: He can clarify that he can be set free because–
* Cop: That’s not going to happen right now, young lady. So either you’re gonna come out of the car, on your own free will, or I’m going to assist you.
* Lady: I’m gonna get out of the car and walk down to that house.
* Cop: No, you are not free to leave right now.
* Lady: Uh, you, uh you, are you saying you have, y- authority over me?
* Cop: Yes I do.
* Lady: You have proven authority over me?
* Cop: Yes.
* Lady: How did you do that?
* Cop: The county of Imperial through the sheriff.
* Lady: You do not have authority over a human being; over a free inhabitant.
* Cop: You know, you wanna argue the point–
* Lady: You need to go look up
* Cop: I don’t have to look at anything right now. What I need to do is get you out of the vehicle, and if you have identification, please, hand the identification over to me.
* Lady: No–
* Cop: Identify yourself to me–
* Lady: And I’m not going to step out of the vehicle.
* Cop: Alright, well, you know you are impeding my investigation. You are delaying me, which is a penal code violation of the state of California.
* Lady: That law only applies to U.S. citizens.
* Cop: Well, what’re you a citizen of?
* Lady:I am NOT a US citizen.
* Cop: You see–
* Lady: I am a free inhabitant, I am of the earth, I do not belong to any corporation, I do not belong to any country.
* Cop: Yeah, but as long as you’re in the sovereign states of the United State,s you will abide by the rules and laws.
* Lady: See, a- a-
* Cop: And you have certain protections…
* Lady: A free inhabitant… is- is is- they are- they are allowed to- they’re free people, they um, they have all of the- all of the rights of a US citizen without following any of their laws.
* Cop: Well that would just be pure anarchy if that were the case.
* Lady: No, no, no.because we’re peaceful people.
* Cop: I’m gonna have you step out of the vehicle for me, please.
* Lady: They can be peaceful people- You- go- go-, go call them up and ask and they’ll- they’ll tell you exactly what I’m talking about.
* Cop: Well, I don’t know who to call.
* Lady: Your superior.
* Cop: Well I am a superior to a, a certain extent
* Lady: So call YOUR superior.
* Cop: Well it’s going to take a couple hours or so for somebody to come down, and its not gonna happen right now.
* Lady: Well then we’re gonna have to solve it some other way
* Cop: Alright..
* Lady: We just need to- you just need to call in, tell them I’m a free inhabitant and-
* Cop: Well, I am going to tow this vehicle, young lady, so you cannot be in this vehicle.
* Lady: I understand that so I’m go- alright then I’m gonna get out of the vehicle and I’m going to walk down to that house-
* Cop: No you cannot.
* Lady: -because you do not-
* Cop: No you are not.
* Lady: -have authority over me. Well then, I’m not getting out of the vehicle.
* Cop: No you’re not.
* Lady: Why?
* Cop: You’re not free to leave.
* Lady: Why?
* Cop: As soon as I conclude the rest of my investigation, you will be free to leave as far as I know you have not done anything wrong at this point but you are slowly, reaching to that point–
* Lady: In- okay, you know what-
* Cop: 148 PC.
* Lady: I’ll get out of the vehicle for you, I will get out of the vehicle. Let me just get my water…
* Cop: Alright, well you’re not free to leave.
* Lady: I-I-I
* Cop: You’re gonna pick the bag up, we’re gonna take the bag off of you.
* Lady: No I’m not!
* Cop: Well that’s your-
* Lady: Hey! This is fu- you’re raping me!
* Cop: Relax your arms. Relax your arms!
* Lady: *screaming*
* Cop: Remain calm.
* Lady: *screams again* Okay.
* Cop: Relax your arm.
* Lady: I won’t relax.
* Cop: Stop fighting.with me.
* Lady: Its relaxed.
* Cop: Stop fighting with me. Stop fighting.
* Lady: Alright. I’m not-
* Cop: Okay.
* Lady: I’m not fighting.
* Cop: Section 2, 5-6, I’m gonna need a-
* Lady: I’m moving my arm up, I’m moving my arm.
* Cop: Keep your arm right there.
* Lady: Its hurt. Okay, I just told you what I was doing.
* Cop: This is pain compliance, okay. It’s not meant to be comfortable.
* Lady: This is-
* Cop: Do I have your attention?
* Lady: This is completely illegal.
* Cop: Relax your arm.
* Lady: NO! You don’t take my bag off-
* Cop: I can.
* Lady: You’re not putting me in the car, you can wait till you get your superior. You are not taking my bag off. You can handcuff me with my bag on.
* Cop: You’re right, I will. Relax.
* Lady: I’m relaxed.
* Cop: *cuts bag*
* Lady: DON’T TOUCH MY BAG! You’re touching my bag! You’re gonna get in so much trouble! You son of a bitch! You’re gonna get sued, you don’t even know what you’re doing. I’m telling you-
* Cop: Young lady-
* Lady: I’m gonna fucking sue you!
* Cop: Stop.
* Lady: What’s your name? Arga- dona are-fucking-go-dona you’re gonna get arrested. you’re gonna get fuckin- oh my god you don’t you don’t know your own laws!
* Cop: Relax, young lady.
* Lady: You don’t know your own laws.
* Cop: Relax, young lady.
* Lady: *sigh* I can’t believe you just did this.
* Cop: You need to calm down.
* Lady: You’re gonna get in trouble. You don’t know your own laws.
* Cop: Calm down.
* Lady: You’re illegally doing this. I told you I was a free inhabitant.
* Cop: Calm down, young lady.
* Lady: You are illegally doing this.
* Cop: Young lady, calm down.
* Lady: You are illegally doing this. I told you, this is against my will. You did this illegally, you cut my bag!
* Cop: Alright, you’re under arrest
* Lady: No I’m not! No I’m not! Give me my stuff!
* Cop: Relax.
* Lady: No!
* Cop: You’re under arrest-
* Lady: Leave me alone!
* Cop: You can’t have this big camera, hand it over.
* Lady: You can go get your superior!
* Cop: I will-
* Lady: Go get him- and- and I’ll be waiting right here. Go get your fucking superior. You son of a bitch! Give me my fuckin-
* Cop: You need to calm down.
* Lady: You fucking asshole!
* Cop: You need to calm down.
* Lady: You need to fucking learn your goddamn job because you don’t know your fucking laws! Go get your superior and read your fucking laws!
* Cop: Alright, let’s go.
* Lady: No! You son of a- fuckin- bitch! Fuck you, you stupid son of a bitch, you don’t know what you’re fucking doing you’re gonna get fucking killed. Oh my god, you son of a bitch.
* Cop: Calm down.
* Lady: You don’t know what you’re fucking doing, you need to read your own fucking laws. Fucking stupid. You have no authority over me.
* Lady: That’s because you don’t have fucking authority over me! You;re forcing authority over me, and you’re gonna get in trouble. I’m telling you this! Why do you not believe me?! Let go of me.
* *door closes*