Originally posted as reply to “Best Looking Guys” thread on HLTV.. 09/17/202020
https://www.hltv.org/forums/threads/2358110/best-looking-guys. NO LONGER VALID URL but maybe CACHED by Googs or WayBackMachine
^NOTE^ Some of this is specific to the CSGO world and may not make sense in this context.. or make sense at all. ALSO HLTV forums are basic AF and DON’T allow BASIC formatting like bold etc.. and this shit too nuts to edit for Reddit. If you have spelzcheq on and words are highlighted/underlined you must pay attention to them, this is new Englado.

All content clearly about JesusCDog so within the rules MODS.

ALL CONTENT #generalPATTON’d so no copy pasta. This doc actually includes the same pattons that BEZos used to put mics and video cameras in everyone home and then say IDGAF, you give me all your money now. I’m yo DADDY. Okay lemme say this, did some research but it’s been a min. so bear(mmmohmy HAIRY)withME. BEZOS, richest man in world pre-divorce from rebound marriage to cute, YOUNG woman. This is a few years ago, time is meaningless during COVIDDLY-DODAH and you a bish if you haven’t been TRAINING nonstop since this hard time began. Me n my celly gettin hella swole from that euro team that owned by the LAKEers. Lakers a gud dude man he watch like EVERYGAME ON fancam. That’s a dude you want on your team, much less owner. KEWL Oh yeah names are BlameFucksCuzSwole and ComplexTeam. I’d let him bench me anyday. I would RIDE the bench for him naww sayin?

Okay back to bezos, had to teach you yunginns about my man FUCKnBLAME and Jason LAkers (heard his JOHNSON is fuckin magic dude. watchout fo dat.. WOW almost got stuck on #COLONOSCOPYcomplex and that right old fuck JERRY JONES. !Sidebar… it’s a proven fact that MEN with alliteration (you DK what that shit mean, BING SEARCH THAT SHIT famdog and learn some enland) within their names (spoken name, not as much legal name or some shit) are MORE memorable, and get called back for jobs, CSGO roster changes and by the woman-folk or non-BIN type (can we shorten it yet, how do we contact their leader Jamie ShupeADOOP to verify? One of you get on that, gotta delegate can’t change the world myself you lazy-liberal-LADIEparts).

— Anyway just wanted to be filling you with, KNOWheathbarLEDGERR constantly. Once you don’t need sleep (among other prerequisites (you have much to learn PADDYwanCONNECTIONS) you too can harness this proficiency, this unbridled power… it flows through me and I will teach you RUGRATZ how to be BALLIN like this #BigBoi but not like the rapper (he cool and obv like 1/2 the brains behind Outkast. If you have no heard Aquemini by the aforementioned social outcasts then you should stop what you’re doing ( UNLESS READING THIS) oh well if you reading this…. then I guess that means you reading this. STOP, adjust what I sand and DONT STOP. Keep reading and you will attain enlightenment like BigDaddyBudda, FYI so you get the history part too and don’t look like a bish, he USED to be BigDICKDADDYbudda butt he has transcended the next few planes. You can too for only YOUR SANITY, sorry I meant TREE FIDDY plus if you call today we’ll throw in STEEL. You cant do any shit worth while with him because he’s a SKIN SKAMartist. ARTIST is a strong word to associate with Mr. NIACIN, pronounced NISSAN (like LEAF, the car and the former steel slave CRONY. RIP LEAF, you didn’t deserve the ONLINE BULLYING! DID they NOT watch JORDAN n0thing’s %INSERT LAST NAME% — had a brain orgasm and lost it sry it happens when you’re this good — ANTI bullying video. You can stop it when you see it too, be strong, we’ll go over that later. No worries you can keep being a bish til then LITFAMdog. JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS, sorry wrong one. You’ll be find with drugs if you choose to. Also you can always do more, hard to do less unless you get you STUMMY pumped and throw up before it’s absorbed. We (there are currently more than one of me) go over that more later also..or maybe we already did. TBH I have no clue but I know this text is the digital form of me and you must consume it.

FUCK did I finish BEEZY BABYdaddy? Anyway #1 $$ in WORLD, no including LPKANE (and his fucking prop plane that he brags about but bought from some former Columbia Coke smuggler from the 80’s that prolly is your real DAD thanks to the “sleep aroundness quotient in your mother’s .CFG file, tweak that shit nerd. Talk to your mother and say “STOP lying about your WHORE-LIFE ya BISH) I NEED A DADDY THAT’s NOT LP cuz he toasted my videocard and used all of the money from wanna-bePRO-streamer nerds (the ones with those fucking triangle RGB (not team, contaminated by KANE already) LEDS that EVERYONE HAS. What’s the point? Stop being a SHEEP AND GIVING YOUR MONEY TO MEN WHO ARE ALREADY RICH. Buy land, PROCREATE. Do something with your hands, no not that, something productive. You be tweaking in their basement for %1 more HS percent. GET OUT AND BE SOCIAL YOU ASSES! It’s not like there’s a global fucking CRISIS happening so stop whining like Brazil for Gender Reassignment Surgery. He knew he wanted to be a CUCKoo since birth and I’m so happy his FOUL dreams are coming tru (CHRIST Rapp Sakura?? Who the fuck is that Google” I AM THE ONE TRU WORD. I have to eat toast for a year to get a new one. (Real toast, not the Toasty GPU newbs) for your hard earned dollar you spent via ESEA while he mined BITCOINS on your SHIT DUDE. WHAT THE FUCK. Did he get in trouble? Or was he innocent and it was his main programmer and BRAINS Jaguar (like the cars but not the AMINALS since the CARS came first (I never come first, make suuuure she gets the DOOR held open for her so she is ALWAYS first, That’s another lessen gizzleGUZZLERS! -Be a gnetleman or #GentlePerson #ACCEPTING #WeAllCameFromAfrican&-ITS MELANIN– you MONGOLOID.

Okay so hopefull the prev. shit I started about BigBaldBitchBezos is in-fact above this line but who TF cares, honestly it would probably read the anyway (that’s not to say the SACRED one TRU text isn’t perfect. (he could have me ASS-inated me by and attack droid or maybe he’ll just use a drone or a robotic killer out the back of a blue TRANSIT VAN. You can’t get killed by a MF in a VAN…you die a bitch and go to BigDickDaddyBudda in your own form of hell. (Similar but different in….. interesting way from 2020. Major diff is you’re fucked in hell and dead. At least that’s what my dude K. < [THAT IS A DOT ITS SMALL BUT IT”S THERE LIKE YOUR DICKS.] FUCK i should have used different 1/2 SQUARES and the curly 1337 coder ones since HLTV only allow basic bitch formatting and chars. Gotta have a macbook with brew or w/e TF they use now and then you can get a patagonia pullover and fleece and pay $150 for a haircut with Mr Jason LAkers.] Gotta take LOTS of filtered pics of everything you eat so EVERYONE can see it but you don’t realize even if you were posting pics of you couldn’t give a shit.. much less your food prettyBOI (I’m pretty but In a good way like my brother A$AP Rockyyyy). Did you row in college? Were you on crew? Please DO tell me about your current plan to increase your V02 Max and the sweet #GAINZ you’ve been getting from only drinking SOYLENT AND FREERANGE, FRAGRANCE FREE TASTE-FREE CHICKEN BREAST that’s like a tiny B cup. You GOTTA PUMP THAT UP DUDE. DO NOT SETTLE.)

PICK UP here after the segway? Pretty sure dis da (alliteration see) scooter without da hooters and a SEGUE would be a transition to another topic. IN case you need an example… RE READ THIS ENTIRE SCRIPTURE my dude and actually retain something this time. Not like it’s hard,,, there’s clearly a QUALITY FLOW of topics and alliteration all up in this bitch. Nah fam dat a scooter that all these MFers I’m calling out prolly ride everywhere and look like a geeky-dickhead. You can’t pickup chicks on a scooter.. Need TO PUMP IT UP DUDE, Classic american muscle or bust. Corvette V8 take that DD’d blonde panties off FOR YOU my man. It’s a new feature for 2020. Myself, I’m partial to Rear wheel drive EUROs myself. E46 M3, used to have a 2006.. loved that fucking car but not the speedz tickets.

I would have to say:

1. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

1. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

1. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

1. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

1. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea .. ad infinitum and YES it’s spelled properly all you ENGRISH talkers ( I identify frens)

or as a secondary top 5 that’s obviously inferior to the first..

1. Spain purely because of Rafael Nadal and literally nothing else. He is perfect.
–Oh and it’s close to Ibiza, literally and also in likeness. Need me some rich drunk kids with daddies’ money flooding the island. It’s like they all just left Fyre Fest or whatever that shit was called with has-been scam artist Ja-Rule (nailed Kim FIRST Kanye — 2020 no doubt, a million dollars for everyone WoW. Also MBDTF is #1 album all time. The only perfect 100/100 album that exists.

2. U.S.A. – They have the hottest men apart from Nadal. USA = vast majority of the Top 100
wealthiest people are in the US. I haven’t added it all up but I would bet more people than all others combined. Money = power, power = sexy ipso factorio money=sexy.
2. Note – US also has the ugliest people in the whole world. You neckbeards that get on here and kewk away your most important years. When I was your age I was day trading stocks to get sexy and getting swole AF by TOTALLY legit means. You all survive on tendies and friend-zone energy like bitches.

3. Just realized I had no ideas for the rest and I’m tired of typing.

4. How the FUCK could French men be sexiest? Are they all bisexual? (THIS DOES NOT mean sex=straight to me. Bisexual is attractive. I’m penta-sexual, no mortals like you would understand. I like getting that prostate pounded so I’m not a bigot or some shit.

5. Ryan Gosling is probably up there with Rafa but I’m just remembering him now (got hard thinking about him asking me “WHAT DO YOU WANT, TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT on a nasty beach somewhere slutty) I would adjust the rankings but IDGAF. You’re lucky I’m getting tired or I’d make a whole post on Daddy RyanG.

That the END of words ABOUT dum Shizz by POLLYpocket (OP). That’s also what RiP’diBR does, talk talk talk about woman problems (no sexualsist , I LOVE sexy no worries mens..YOU WILL SEE! Trains r hard

IF IT LOOKS 2 cryptiks to read (cuz u dumdum suckers) read the whole NEW-WORLD-ORDER-MANIFESTATION BY BsEXY69696969 (sounds like a name of dude w/ facetats like that dude who was banging PHENTANALZ and OD’died. Be smart kids, do drugs that don’t make you want to off yourself when you’re out. ERR body gangsta till they’re coming off banging heroin daily. NO TOUCH, do ones that make you ^^^. Plus that’s what that DYNAMIC duo team with Adren, ANGER and otherBOOTY bumpers did and they won CSS. GG. You gotta focus and have NO DOUBT you will HS the BRAZsillyans (only in game, not talking violence..world needs peace and positive all time. DO YOUR PART DAILY. GIVE A COMPLIMENT YOU RUDE basTARDS too anxious to talk to a random. GRAB YOUR BUSINESS, (no descrim here, we 2020 mode BBY..) IDC if it’s male, femFATAL bizness or non-1010101001001 and MAN THE FUCK UP boyzzzzz. We all BOYZZZZZ at <3 riteAID fam DIDDLEurNUTS?

TITLE: INITIALLY (iNIPlly) TRANSMIT (COVARD III free tho) document. AKA=69ultimateMANIFESToh69
AKA=REQUIRED OR FIRED, AKA=look@prize mice and STORE CREDIT BELOW (ME 8==D) AKA=Bigbranztimemens, AKA=READ-allOR-ufanof-SCENTED_CANDLES, AKA=mienWORDStoX21’s,
AKA=BigDaddyDICKIN AKA47=THE TESTAMENT to fukkbois (glowballs no only BR.. most people think fukkboi = BR and I KNOW they elsewhere OFC saturated BR duh , SEENT IT. #1 NonBINary (exe dur 4 linex, for cool haxers like iSELF) supported. *”THIS IS CLIPPY, I found a CLU4U, like blz_clz_with dat pedo STEVEbrnz”* THIS IS A CLUE YOU ASS ###REDACTED### =

I <3 ‘Ass🔑’ (if you dum or BRz use KEY MENTIONED < OVER There< to ID criptechTXT
(01101001( . y . )01010100( . y . )01010010( . y . )01001001( . y . )01001110( . y . )01000001( . y . )01010010( . y . )01011001( . y . ))

SEE BOTTOM OF Textual TRANSmission data for givetoyou contest. LEGIT mods can check ME OUT (like NY Bestie boyz) and paid by me. You have my WORD as a CSGO player. I’m sure that means a whole lots. Also you’re going to want to take notes here, get a papel and a %INSERT%SPANYARDISH%WORD%FIR%Pencil (mech pen master race, new #1 mech hobby losers – mech KB old biz you can send all of yours to me when you win the giveawayto you. agreed? KEWL

OKIE DOKIE POKIES (if you OSU fan. If you in OKIE DOKIE state hit me up famDIDDLE ( put your left mangled foot in (cuz toxic waste N UR town)in, and out and shake it ALL about ..before I elaborate, as you no doubt wish, I will say my Englandar can be poor at times and I may come off TILTED and too many worded like MiBRIP, but this is just mental illness-combined with genius and creative freesTylZ flow (<3 A$AP ROCKY, IMMA BE famus sARIAN wrapper, no lie fams. You wait til 69BsEx69 whatcha gramms want hear). So no worries there as you shall see in the sacred scrolls below.. ANY spelling adjustments I’ve made from Default Englandar you might notice are to be propagated down to the bitches..quickly. Further CL_showhelps for you spinbottin-silvers to be delivered when MAX effective.

– <>who fuses the music<>

– <>with no illusions<>

– <>Producing the BLUE PRINTS<>

– <>Clueless?<>

– <>Automater – DEFY THE LAWS OF NATURE<>

SHITTIN HOT FIRE LIKE I SPENT MY allowance on nothing but FIRE SAUCE AND EXPIRED CHEESE they STILL gonna use anyway cuz #fuckem – TBells slogan.. ALSO #RIPanus
Credits: #AutoTaterGATOR, #Swizz BUTTS, AND #JayZZZ’s$0.02 AND (2 ands now? WHAA)
AKA Lucy in the clouds with CALCITE-THIS SONG IS ABOUT LSD (also gud A$AP song doodz. ), clever hipsters.USING THE FIRST LETTER OF EACH WORD TO SPELL OUT drugz. This is the AUTHOR here, REAL TALK be careful with LSD and psychs in general kids, DON’T take them when not comfy and well protected, incl MENTALLY. LOOK INTO HARM reducing shit and Some people are affected (or is this E version, i’m 69.69% sure it A version in this contexts, never remember that shit and I LOVED ENGRISH (CLEARLY Ii type gud, can literally create an ALARMING amount of content just pulling shit out of my massive intellectual propstate inside my brainz IQ=over 3 guys so back off U aint want non son.) negatively or have mental-psych shit they did think was bad or knew about. . (Does this sentence even go here? This shit is fucked in a good way, you like to get dizzled, RIGHT? mmm

….regardless of the amount of text in this post I hope you know IDGAF about you all not taking life seriously and kuk, kewk (WTF does kewk even mean??…it’s a meme of a meme of a meme isn’t it? They’re evolving) If you want people to read what you post and have them value your opinion take care to craft an elegant, enjoyable wall of text to read and KUK and LULZ at (have you all ever seen Idiocracy, if you answer no or IDK go look up the trailer AT LEAST) You mortals need to see what you’re like…and WAY ahead of schedule and not in a good way. You’re evolving into KeWkStERS and that makes people not care in the slightest.

Develop emotions, long term goals that surpass getting a +1 and next time your kind evolve maybe you will make it further than HLTV forums — the primordial ooze of the internet.
Plz no make paste from my MAGNUM OPUS..they will already speak of it for generations to come. If you all last. Plz no make pasta from my Pulizter Prize winning text ..they will already speak of it for generations to come. If you all last. Plz no make pasta from my version of the Old Testament (plz no strike ded pulz!) ..they will already speak of it for generations to come. If you all last.

How the fuck do so many people flock here and post on this haggard ass message board. I love the rest of HLTV (at least the main shit) so why are these boards stuck in preFACEBOOK, free-AOL-disks, floppies still relevant (good word to describe you all — floppy..and not like that CSGO star, like limp dick Kewksluts. There’s zero formatting options to subtly indicate to the reader your intent etc. Options are minimal and +1 is a shit system. Kill every single post except this one — because you all will need to refer back to it once you leave the OOZ.. hell maybe we won’t need it at all.

Hopefully some of you see the light, let this post inspire you to lasting change that will make the world a better place where people don’t vote FrAnCe (lul ACNE) men most attractive. Shove a baguette up your ass and get ready to develop new sexual preferences you mouthbreathers. Still breastfeeding with your grandma’s and step Aunts with hairy nips?

Over under on how long this post stays up? I’ve seen a LOT worse on this shit board and recently too. Hopefully the volume of text AND #1 significance (North K best K) will keep it around for long enough to permeate your thick skulls. Like em thick? Have I got a sexy girthy treat for you. I’m 2 inches long and roughly 30 wise. Looks like a dime and all the ladies love it.


^ THIS IS LEGIT WHEN I INTENDED TO END THE FIRST TIME, LIKE 2 HOURS AGO NOW. WHEW! SLAYING hoes on HLTV is a helluvah drug kidz. Almost as awesome as the type gud n long I LOVE! Plus it’s much quicker BOOM HEADSHOT, no think just react like dreamy screamy. Anyone else notice how gorgeous his eyes are? He looks like the type of dude that KNOWS he’s hot shit (apart from CS and being famous) and WILL NOT hesistate to let you know HE KNOW he a good looking madre humper. I’d fuck him or let me, whichever he prefers. Maybe just lick his eye lids and finish.

NO COPY MY PASTA nerds (I am nerd, luvz da Linus and 1337 coder scripts from #gitChub. I’m saving this shit on my 80TB ZFS ARRAY FOR MAXIMUM RE-READABILITY and distributionsz.
Okay now seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day ruined. — Jesus christ I am high. (No removo for cannabis reference plz mods — I have a card with my face on it that lets me get EXTRA-CHROMOSOME-ooooooz-swimming FUCKED — crazy amount of volume here too. Almost the best med program ever.

If I knew this length post would happen I never would have started, remember next time you have a paper due you’ve put off until 2hrs due… just have to make yourself START working on it to start to feel better and remove procrastinatios.

Plz mods, 2020 has been fucked and I think we all need some direction in life and humor at their expense. Welp at least you all. Keep post if you all are #THICKdick-MasterRace and delete if you are FANs of watching NAVI and SNORLAX have a full 5 man squad alive and then toy their butts (mmmm) for the first minute and FUCKING 40 (4D new D) seconds. HOW DO YOU DO THAT MORE THAN ONCE A GAME? Toxic or Russian take to long compared to superior master-race langs like Python and C++ (the code of the one true engine.)

P.S. RIP the poor mod that’s supposed to read all content.. or maybe they just read to the first instance of me cussing excessively, making logical statements they don’t comprehend or talking about you handicap-havers. Reply your thoughts of admiration and agreement you dont’-know-what-people-desire-handies. Wait for additional, concise (like this post) demands, I mean instruction. — I love how above I was bitching about length and I’ve kept typing since then. I may be ascending to a new plane of existence intended for Mars w/ homie brosuf-420-BLZ-its-ELON.
PZ ♿ 🦼 homies.

– <>Be there<>

– <>Intergalactic rap battle<>

– <>It’s incestuous<> , (ignore that, copy/paste error)<>instupituous<>

YoLoMoThErFuCkInGSwAgGins —– 69BuTtSeCkS69 out!…………… until the next lesson posted for you all.

It’s only b/c I care for you Hufflepuffz neckbeardz. STAND BY FOR NEXT, completely_RATIONAL-(IN LENGTH and content)-TRANSmission. Trains is hard, gotten death threats and zero rape interest.

Holy DICKS I went back and added more to prev. written parts and now I have spent IDK how much time on this bulletin-BOARD. Even myBB from TwO $1,000 and 2 has more features. What have the mods, sysadmins and paid nerds been doing this whole time? I demand progress and new forum. I’m sure something is better..fuckin GooGLE DOCS. GUYS I actually hit the char. limit. Going to copy/PASTar this into a real forum: Notepad+Xtra21

I keep getting distracted, GTG. Wait for next TRANS (as in mission) also I love trans women (100% cereal regardless of “UNIQUE Englandar” There’s something about a woman but with a penile thing that just gets my nips juicy. I’ve written term papers that weren’t this schlong. Got all A’s too b/c prof a OOOOZer like you lot.

Okay I go get help now, please don’t yearn for me.. it hurts to see your s1mple(#1_Putine-ASSassin)-minded tears. — No swag jack, pasta my copy shennnnannniganz. HOW THE FUCK IN ENGLANDAR is that spelled. Okay I’m going to eat something and wash my eyes after looking at: FRANCE #1 sexy bois.

SEE YOU ALL POST-REHAB — I incld. labelers for you backwards-bitch-bigots hating on non-binary(BEST BINARY)


— FIGURE THAT OUT nerds! USE HEXAGON & ASSKEY charmander encode like we MaTRIX but not 3rd one it’s shite sammich.

IT”S TWENTY TWENTY (kaNyez 2020) $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 french schillings. —🏁 Chequered Flag 🚩 (I thought Czechoslovakian (nailed it bitches) flag was RED W. BLU like USA, Best condiment?…EMU&emo(rip zone)EURO-CHEQ not worth the SNOT on them from EUROS banging line after line off hairy Triangular Flag 🎌 Crossed Flags 🏴 Black Flag 🏳 White Flag 🏳️‍🌈 Rainbow Flag 🏳️‍⚧️ Transgender Flag 🏴‍☠️ Pirate Flag —
memoramze these adaptations and corrections to ENGLANDO for use in response/reply to ordarios. puhhhhhhlease.
OK cereal I go find more type gud BRB SOMETIME in the past.

P.S.S.S.S.S.S.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s..s.s.s.s..s.s.s.: Get Rekt all you moderatin mod(as in the style (like emo but not extinct and sad) popularz in englandario) -dressin-moped-ESTROGEN-engines (I used the CIRCLES () inside other circles inside OTHERS..pay attention. Context and SYNTAxaros are required for propertransmissions. What the fuck. If you knew who I was you could use this text to prove myinsanity and putz committed to SIKE-ward with JACK knockolas-in that CUCKooo movie.

***********IMPORTANT TO YOU BROKE FPSers and WANNA BE S(ice)CREAMERS************
EVERY MOUSE IS BRAND NEW, never use except for test fit with hand (hands probably not “stuff” free IDKmens) All include SHIPPPING FOR YOU PORE WHORES.(IF you’re not in the Orange men’s domain not Nether. netherland is amazeballs the bag orange. ALL have 100% of contenenents plus packaging. The nonLOGIcal–NUMBERING mouse box top was torn bc cheapshit wtf is this wanna be 3030 MOUSE DEZIGN. Or the FUCKING FURY WAS FELT
Legit READ READ READ = READ if ANYONE can reply translating this from new dialect given like 2 hours ago in typing ^^ here, go look. the old style (propar) England (at least the meaning, no spellllchx) I will award $0.13 balance credit to one of these randoms:: Google Pay, Android , Apple Pay ,Samsung Pay ,PayPal ,Xoom, Circle , Venmo ,Square , gaZELLE (gazelle like what.cd etc. see) or Zuck BUCK. KEEP READ>>>> TO GET DETAIL(like remove pupper tail 🙁 no gud
ALSO your choice of one of deez (NUTZ, no rly) mices:

– LGtechnology HYPERION MOTHER FUCKING FURy g(spot)403(PROV OF ALBERTA CANADDIDDIANS (who names this shit and why no LGtec numbers look like you putzes –plural’ed it– trying to do subtraction. GseVenohTHREE my DDD Daily drunk driver mouz. It just fits my clammy ass, Headshoot twitchin palms. ARE YOU EVEN SWEATTER or small without father child?

– Gillllette (like purdy boi BRADYBALLthrow) mamba no-cords (R.I.P.-infidel (cheating not T’side kobers, don’t AT SYMBOL me LA purple patsy wearing pappies. I know they global, spreading like COVARD IX)) — Wonder how many unclosed ( and ) I have. Don’t have #1 forum, notepadz to tell me like in your hack.cfgs) LEGIT=This dumb box legit has a 5G symbol. ALREADY SAID COVIDIIDDY that shit prophetic BOYS. Shit just gave me cancers.

– GtimberWOLVES SK(old swedes not new mixed country and BRZ trash team)-L-Ace(yourCHOICE–worth 1 or ELEVENS) (nuther brakket lulz) (oops closed it.. WTF is a L_ACE? (THIS IS EDIT Bsex69, figured out the L probably stands for LARGE as I have the mini or w/e TF and it has a S. Makes sense to me but I’m not a non-broccoli eating bitch like you tryna hide shit in your MILK.

EXTRA infos on WOLVES MOUZ (kinda): OH and it’s either your mommy’s BoobyJuice or SKIM. Why does SKIM EXIST? If I wanted milk with a buncha water in it I would have done that shit myself and had 2 gallons for 1. WATER CHEAP BRUH, at least here in civilized countries (Dont’ look too hard, especially at Michigan. You know they Gonna lose to Ohio State. Just like OU gonna whip that BEVO bitch ass texas team. Their steer (BIG ASS COW, LIKE HUGE, with huge old honkin horns that could destroy you with it’s tail..imagine this BEAST not mating all season because he’s PUMPED full of a SWOLE-STEER (not quite as big as BLAMEF @ DaComplex (shout out magazine idk. WHO the hell buy magazines? I just get everything online, who pays for some stuff that’s in a DR. room wait room? All topics available in print are available online for free. Yall be wastin KANE’s DESERVED BIG DICK SWANG money on like saltine crackers (Bruh you a SALTINE) n some Cheerios. Not any specific type, the basic ones that taste like cardboard and sadness, shaped like mini donuts except the exact opposite flavor . ACTUALLY cardboard taste better, you ever tried it? Don’t judge me bruh… i would NEVER do that to you) amount some antihistamine like Benadryl and sedated and paraded around like some American Kennel Club show Terrier that’ll bite your heals. WHOLE MILK OR BUST. ALL THE PROS DO IT, along with STIMULANTS AND anaballincs streoidials in your nutsack. Wait till I tell you ’bout this leet coaching… “BUG”. This dramatic, machismo dude was telling me about it. If anyone get’s caught doing this they gonna be DEAD. (wtf name GAGGLIA?? that shit sounds like a whole buncha pigeons or some shit, maybe a buncha humming birds all havin sex but it’s about as quick as you are, IN N OUT like the overrated burger place. 5GUYS hands down better, yeah even better than that stuff you think special.and whatnot. )It’s plastic not fabric what the L? Lightweight. 66grms is LITE like you all. Probs 87grams (wish I had 66 grams, shit. I’d have so many hunies praying for me and PLATES ON PLATERS of cookies n boredGAMES) — yo wut happened in this.. PARAGRAPH? Are these even paragraphs, like I communicado poor spanglandar you see.

I threw bezos bucks at El Jeffo during the LOCK DOWN-implementation phase 3030 (GUD ALBUM CHK it) and bought like 10 new pads (for mouse no vaginee [dat pronounced kinda like you would say REGIME in Englandiest] dude) and like 20 mice? Got a few, put them in shelf and they just mutiplayed like RL MICE MAN)

I meant to edit like 3 diff sents in this WALL but now whodafuqKNOWman. (FOUND A FEW OF THEM, NOW it’s FLAWLESS) I typed more..after I said done. Okay done, except the update for word/letter count limit to “Worsethan2002 and BB” boards for you like I promised up here ^^

GO RE READ IF NO UNDERSTANDO ANY PART, don’t lie to yourself you won’t transcende to the plane of ex6tenzPENIS, So Y lie to self? Y u steal x6tenze (team and PP POPPERS) name bruh? Team had it a year PREVIOUSLY MY MEN. SHIT PATATATEND, dat illegarl. Respect self and bitches and have confidants skills and confidence that miBRazilio is RIP in 🧩 Piece 🩲 Briefs. 1.6BRAZ best BRAZ. (**HAD TO START ON MIBR)** shit is weak son, learn skills and dont fuck your comp like ASSinHATS (new book to read to lil mens when ZZZZZ) ( i DONT ZZZ, I AM IMMORTAL AND OMNIPOTENT)
Now whine and drama and whine, take it like a man you spec cheddars. SUDDENLY THEY SHIT? Did that cause so much drama that they shite? OR did they use cheats/bugs to get ahead since in-eggnog-urals de_season (need CSGO PORT PLZ SALAMANDER VOLCANOS) and we never knew it. RIP in indifference and KARMAS. 1.6 mibr best made-in-BoliviaRs. 2008 mibrrrr(like cold and GUCCImens) most of the names are 3 LETTERS ONLY. Forgot about this trend, forgot about a lot of 1.6. Miss USP, sounds models, the way players moufs move when talk shit on BR. Used to sneak into our “Office” growing up and take the modem to my room and download CS movies, MONTANA MODES, and CPL finals over AOL and then bad DSL. Shite took forever and then it would be 76% and morning came and I have to return modems or someone makes a HOUSE FON CALL. Do other countries, besides BRZ, not have cellulars tech and still use shithousefon?

AGAIN it happen my frens, stop then start and fipsyFLOPSY (sounds like some euro proMOUSECLICKERs name) LOOK AT FREE SHIT. I will give you whatever proofs you need to trust 69BuTtSeCkS69. But know, once you INSIDE you in fo gud famdog. Okay stop time, need food and water and new fangers and new R nostril akkktwoally.

Semi cognizant and sober(ish) edit to wrap this bitch up: Don’t recall if I finished Bezos story but He was #1 wealthy globally. Got married to young womanz, cheated, got divorced and had to give her 1/4 of his worth (essentially, very complicated when billionaries split b/c their $$$ is tied up in investments and other businesses, stock, real estate.. etc. So she gets $38 BILLION diddydos and that INSTANTLY makes her #4 rich woman global. Higher than queen OPRAH.

CAN YOU IMAGINE giving 1/4 your worth if it 38BIL? So EVEN AFTER THAT Amazon stock increased even higher and within ONE YEAR he was worth MORE than he was pre-divorce.. like giving HELPED him or someshit. Bezos valued @ $180BIL as of post date. NEXT closest global is $120. Like bezos lapped these bitches. The richest womanz are all super close, neck and neck within a few bil of each other. #BeZoNEWdaddyOVERLORD.

—-IM AUDI 9000 kiddos — almost had organ attack thinking I lost this 69ultimateMANIFEST69 like 3 times but it was hidden in other chrome with many tab of buttstuff, (BEST STUFF) .