This has been one of 3 elections I’ve been aware of growing up and by far the most terrifying.
I found myself turning into a ball of anxiety as the results got closer and closer to Trump winning, so I went to bed in hopes that I’d wake up to something happier.
But I didn’t.
Instead, I woke up with Donald Trump winning the election. A racist, ableist, homophobic, sexist, islamophobic man with no prior political experience.
His Vice President is perhaps even scarier. A man that wants to repeal Roe v Wade, supports conversion therapy, and wants to repeal same sex marriage.
So yes, I’m upset. I’m angry. But mostly? I’m terrified.
I’m terrified because I’m 16 and queer and a POC and all the amazing things that I’ve seen happen for the last 8 years of my life might be undone. I’m terrified because with a republican president and a majority in congress, I might not be able to marry.
But haha, yeah, those silly liberals always crying when they don’t get their way, right?
So go ahead, write me off as a dumb kid that doesn’t know what I’m talking about, but I’m absolutely terrified of the embarrassing decisions America made last night.

This is how many of us feel right now after the election in which Trump won based on the electoral vote rather than the popular vote: We in California feel like our values are in stark contrast to those of Donald Trump. We are a state that values differences as something that makes us great rather than divides us. Trump supporters might show a picture of Donald Trump holding a rainbow flag and think that this means he’s obviously an advocate for the rights of many gay, bi, trans, people but we know here in California that Trump, and specifically his Vice President; Mike Pence, are menaces to the rights of those in the proud LGBT community. If you also believe that you do not want to associate with the kind of bigotry that his presidency will invoke or allow for our minorities to be shunned for who they are, then you should stand with others in the decision for California Secession.

Okay almost last post for this election bs. But… if you voted for trump, you obviously have some sort of hate towards the LGBTQ+ community. This community is an enormous part of our country. And for you to not support that is very sad. Trump has said that he will try to make gay marriage illegal once again. He has said he is for those terrorizing machines that try to shock kids out of wanting to be trans, out of wanting to be the dream gender they have always wanted to be but couldn’t be before. This saddens me that people are against their own family, friends, etc… I am completely disappointed in anyone that is on my friends list on here that discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community. I’m sorry but fuck you. (PS wow one bad word I don’t need to hear anything about it, thanks)

Dear the LGBTQI+ community, I’m sorry.
Dear the Disabled Community, I’m sorry.
Dear victims of Sexual Assault, I’m sorry.
Dear anyone who isn’t white, I’m sorry.
Dear women, I’m sorry.
Dear people who voted a 3rd party, I’m sorry.
Dear Veterans, I’m sorry.
Dear Immigrants, I’m sorry.
Dear people who live in the Bible Belt, I’m sorry.
Dear Activists, I’m sorry.
Dear everyone, I’m sorry.
What happened today is viewed by many as a tragedy, and many also view it as an amazing act of God. However, as a 17 year old boy who fits into every category but 3, which are women, veterans, and 3rd parties, I promise you I will fight for this. I will be here for all of you. I am more than a beating heart. I am a rock ready to be thrown. I am the ocean waiting for a tidal wave. I am the gust of wind that pushes you forward. I am an activist, and I will fight for you.
Cesare Pavese once said, “we do not remember days. We remember moments.”
This moment is one we will remember. It is a moment our hearts broke. It is a moment that makes us want to leave the United States. But The main point of this, is to tell you this.
You’re not alone. You fought and I’m god damn proud of you. You’ve done so much and that in itself is an accomplishment. I ask you ALL. Even if this seems like the end, it’s not. Fight this. Make sure it doesn’t stick. Make sure he is unable to do anything. Smile and laugh as you hear someone say how great he’ll do. A quote that sticks to me is from an anime, and it’s ridiculous, but it says something to me and maybe it’ll say something to you.
“when you feel 100% beaten, and you can move, then you can crawl. If you can crawl, you can walk. If you can walk, you can run. If you can run, you can fight.” No matter what happens, I urge you, my fellow Americans; Dont. Stop. Fighting.

I’m ashamed of everyone who voted for Trump. I’m now appalled to be associated with corrupt billionaire as a president and appalled to be an American. We are damaging how other nations sees us and leaving this and maybe another generation in a world of hate, division and violence. This isn’t what I visualized the American Dream to be.