Do you honestly want to go down this route? Just remember you asked for it.

You are a 46 year old Asian woman. If your looks haven’t already left you, they will very soon. I on the other hand am a young male (<30 years) and my value on the sexual market will only increase, as opposed to yours which is falling dramatically with every passing year.

Additionally, you like hentai, which means you are either dissatisfied in the bedroom (and probably own a vibrator) or it is a shared kink among both of you. If the latter is the case congratulations, you married a neckbeard! And it’s all the more convincing when you consider many neckbeards have fetishes for Asian women.

Lastly, out of all the hollow insults you chose to throw at me, you chose one of a sexual nature. Either you are obsessed with sexual matters or you made the assumption that I would find such things to be important. If the latter is the case, then not only are you an asshole (which I too stand guilty as charged) but you also are dead wrong.

You see, I value life far beyond what shallow sexual gratifications it offers. Indeed, men such as Newton and Tesla found meaning in life beyond mere sexual urges. They devoted their lives to celibacy and instead found meaning in their work to physics and electricity. They paved the way to modern civilization and did not need a woman to do so.

So the next time you’re having meaningless, unfulfilling sex with your neckbeard husband, or watching a sexual cartoon aimed towards horny virgin males, just remember there are people out there far greater than you who will be remembered for their deeds in life and the progress they made in advancing society.

In short, I’m saying you are less than a speck of dust in the scale of humanity, who has no interesting qualities, no valuable skills, a vapid personality, and might as well be nothing more than any other animal on earth, existing only to fuck and reproduce and consume resources.