So my SO and I have not been getting along lately. We have not been having regular sex. We had sex mid day for the first time in 2 weeks last week. The next day she goes to work and comes home at 730p. I noticed that her crotch area was really wet. So we went in the bedroom and looked together and it was a mess. The entire underwear were soaked. Moisture up the the waist line. It soaked through jean material for gods sakes. It was a lot. This is around 20 hours after we had sex.

She’s claiming that it’s discharge. Regular liquid from self cleaning. She thinks because we didn’t have sex for a while that that’s it. I can’t seam to believe someone would be that soaked from self cleaning. So long after the fact. I need some help reddit. Tldr: girlfriend came home with soaking wet panties after being at work all day. I think she’s cheating on me.