This is a point by point breakdown as the video progresses, I didn’t really edit it for grammar. I am wiling to discuss these subjects if you or anyone is interested.

I am sure he was not just as surprised as everyone about Trump winning the day of. If you look at the vegas odds had him at like a 4 to 1 dog. The polls early on had Hillary up a good amount, the latest polls taken before the election had Trump within the margin of error as well.

Hillary Clinton was an incredible candidate, as it was stated numerous times no other candidate in recent American history was as qualified as she was if you look at her resume. Wife of a president(who was active within the administration, she spent her time trying to get universal healthcare passed, obviously failed), Senator from New York, Secretary of State. She was an incredible candidate educated in nearly every single policy area one could be, especially international relations. Sanders was an anti economy dreamer who thought money grew on trees and did not know the very basics of international relations/international economy. Hillary was literally negotiating trade deals for Obama.

Saying Sanders would have beaten Trump easily is unknowable, the right wing propaganda machine hadn’t even began focusing on demonizing him. Atheists are still one of the most the most hated demographic in America and then there was the specter of the label socialism hanging over him. The bottom line is that Hillary ran a very clean campaign when it came to rhetoric. Hillary could have easily destroyed him by focusing on his atheism(through back channels), could have spread misinformation and lies through astoturfing, etc. Hillary had everyone spreading lies and misinformation about her, Sanders, his supporters, Republicans, the Russian government, big corporations, etc. That is why Correct The Record was created. Nobody was making up lies about Sanders.

He then promotes the conspiracy theory that she was bought by banks and corporations when her policy positions were nearly identical. Her speeches that were leaked that she gave to the banks and wall st all mirrored her regulation policy positions and her desire for more regulations which she supported and voted for when she was in the Senate. Basically every false Sanders conspiracy theory he fell for without fact checking any of them and just confirmation biasing these baseless conspiracy theories.

Saying you should have a private and public persona is obvious and not a scandalous thing. A perfect example of why this is obvious was when it came to positions on the TPP. Literally no one knew a single detail about the trade deal, LITERALLY, and the entire public was opposed to it magically somehow. Passionately opposed to it as a matter of fact. Enough to where if she said she was for it, she would of lost the Democratic primary or would have been in jeopardy of it. Since she know she is the best and most informed, she would of course say she was opposed to it even if she wasn’t. Again, literally no one knew a single detail about it at the time when she had to state her position on it. She would have a moral obligation to lie, people literally live or die based on the quality of policy that is made and she was a policy wonk who knew her policy positions were the best. Everyone has a public and private persona, but even more so for politicians and it isn’t always to screw people or serve the illuminati’s interests.

He then blames the left, which is partially correct, not int he way he intended though. Sanders supporters basically campaigned for Trump all throughout the general even if they were voting for her, by talking shit about her. They were attacking her as if they were paid to do so by Trump’s campaign or the Kochs themselves.

He then says that Hillary was not left, when she has one of the most progressive voting records in the US Senate and her policy positions were basically the same as Sanders only more grounded in good economic theory. The lesser of two evil argument is incorrect, if you supported Sanders then you should have completely backed Hillary since their policies were nearly exactly the same.

He then gets made at some fringe strawmen such as people saying all Trump supporters are sexists and racists. That isn’t a thing, that is something the right wing media says all liberals say. They don’t though.

She did offer palpable change and had great policy ideas, for the millionth time they were nearly identical to Sanders. Hillary represented a lot, a continuation of Obama’s successful economic policies a progressive Supreme Court, progress for women(first female president), etc. This guy is just an irrational Hillary hater who completely bought into all the anti hillary propaganda. Her positions on where for corporate interests, they were not against corporate interests either. Corporations employ people, pay their wages, determine prices on goods that consumers pay, they are the backbone of the country and quality of life of people. Sanders said some dumbshit that corporations should fear him, that is complete idiocy and plays good for rubes likes this comedian and the mindless Sanders supporters who eat up that rhetoric that will costs jobs, raise prices for goods, etc when translated into policy. Unions backed her overwhelmingly as they always do for Democrats because she represented workers interests.

Oh my goodness she receive a debate question from one of her supporters, she probably didn’t even request it. She is Satan. He acts like it is some grand criminal offense only because he believes all the bullshit being spun about her. Hillary was discussing policy positions against Trump not hurling insults and not just getting endorsements. She was a very good candidate.

The left always is open to debate and discussion. I am here always looking to logically discuss issues and ideas, but the left undoubtedly is the logical side that debates facts and policy. Just compare the donald, r/conservatives, r/republicans, conversation section on breitbart and look at the level of debate about specifics and policy that occurs there. Look at the level of debate and discourse that happens in lets say r/politics which is considered the lefts sub, which it isn’t. Look at the rights positions on cultural issues, it is basically jesus/founding fathers said it was this way science, logic, and American lives be damned.

He then promotes the victim card, that the right is this persecuted group which is bullshit. If you want to not be thought of as being stupid, stop saying and believing stupid things, if you want to not be viewed as a racist stop saying and advocating for racist things, etc. It is complete idiocy to say that idiots, racists, bigots, and sexists are going to vote for candidate for idiots, racists, bigots, and sexists accurately being identified as those things, that is what they were going to do anyway. If they were not those things and decided to vote against their economic and cultural interests by voting for Trump then they are idiots(people are not that stupid, they are stupid, but that simply is not how the human mind works).

Again, all the polls were not wrong, towards the end he was within the margin of error in many credible polls. Again, the left does encourage logical discourse on issues and policy positions. None of this is funny and very little to none of it is accurate. The fact he says this in such a raging and passionate way makes it all the more cringeworthy.