Lol (laugh out loud (abbreviation for lol (done for clarity (your welcome)))), what a bunch of mentally underdeveloped children-like adults. What is most disconsolate for my countenance is how many peeple actually partake in a comprehensive lack of fully processing the input of this advertisement, such that they refer to it as ‘subtle.’

Truly, it is sad that this is what challenges the plebieain mind. So easily enthralled by something of literally no significance. It’s no wonder the human race is degrading as we converse, given its propensity to spend egragious proportions of time to comprehend the lowest common denominator of ruminations.

COMMENT ALTERATION #☝️: Your ripostes indicate just how childish and immature your cranial functions all are.

COMMENT ALTERATION #✌️: The downloads which you are imposing upon my world wide web account only serve to prove my intellectual superiority over your infantile manners of thought.