I am so fucking sick of Vermin Supreme and his supporters.

You’re all a bunch of pathetic, delusional, selfish idiots with no grip on reality and no care for anyone in the world but yourselves. You don’t want to change anything, you don’t actually care about kids in cages, or innocent people on death row, or homelessness, or police brutality, you only care about your fucking selves and your own entertainment and self-righteousness.

You know you have absolutely no means of ever making any actual change, and couldn’t care less about it, because all that matters is that YOU will be satisfied, YOU will be able to sit back and laugh as you watch the world burn around you. You don’t give a SHIT about helping anyone, you only want to fellate yourselves over how smart and superior you think you are for refusing to “play the game” of politics. Your “candidate” is not some wise, griseled political sage poised to mount a mass political awakening, he’s a basic bitch satirist who has nothing to lose and a privileged apathy toward the actual results of elected government.

I’m not sure which is more maddening among you, those who are blackpilled, nihilistic egoists who openly don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone or anything but yourself and your own hedonist desire for morbid entertainment at others’ expense, or those who ACTUALLY BELIEVE “Supreme” will achieve some level of success and “flip the script” (whatever the fuck that means).

Regardless which camp you belong to, you all need help, and you should consider taking up a new hobby other than political activism–one under which YOU are the only one affected by your lunacy, rather than billions of desperate, innocent people.