I would like to see you cite some resources prove your point more than just saying your right. As someone who knows the english language on many things i have to say your wrong. Look at the definition of the words “Target” https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/target Target is clearly defined here. “An objective or result towards which efforts are directed.” and you open them on your channel. Unless you can prove that there is some other ruling within YuGiOh then you simply cannot in all honesty assert your opinion as a fact as it remains simply opinion not fact. The difference between CAN and MAY is important as well. Can refers to ability I CAN type on my keyboard. How much or how well is not indicated. While may refers to permission I may use that persons keyboard. Usage is extended to until revoked. When you make it ability the amount varies for example ‘You can pay me 200$ ” it not only makes it a optional requirement but makes the amount up to question. However “you MAY pay me 200$” only allows permission for 200$ to be paid.

You would earn a sub however this is the second video i have seen by you. And the other isnt much better. I wholly encourage you to step your quality up cite some resources and prove your point dont just me im wrong tell me WHY. Your not going to gain an audience while your talking down to them or being rude. When you dont prove your point is just as valid as the 13 yr old that says your wrong. You gain validity only through proving your point and showing them why they are wrong.