We get it. You understand the reference. You know what I don’t understand? Why you retаrds feel the need to comment something under every single half-witted reference your bloodshot eyes can find. If you can’t think of an original comment, then just don’t say anything. We don’t care if you get the reference or not. We don’t need you to let us know. In fact, you don’t have to comment anything at all, actually. You could just not reply to comments for a while. Trust me, we’re completely fine with you taking your fat, greasy fingers off of your keyboard for a few hours. A lot of people would actually prefer it. The earth will keep spinning even if you don’t comment “I see you’re a man of culture,” “MUDA MUDA MUDA!” “hey Angelo🗿,” “yare yare daze,” and “But it was me, Dio!” under every single JoJo reference on this site. No one cares, no one. We unironically need to bring back eugenics so that people like you aren’t in the gene pool. Then again, I don’t think we’d have to worry about you reproducing any time soon. I bet your mother had a c-section just so that you would never touch a vagina in your life. You’re an embarrassment to the human race. I’m honestly glad you stay in your basement all day updooting heckin’ chonkers, laughing at wholesome 100 dank memes, screeching at people who have a different opinion than you, thanking Kind Stranger for the gold, and stroking your tiny member to Anisa’s Onlyfans, so that nobody has to deal with the lonely, obese, miserable failure you’ve become. The fact that you understand all of those references shows that your entire personality is just what you absorb. All you do is consume. That’s why you weigh as much as a two-door sedan and barely have enough stamina to waddle from your bed to your computer. All you do is take, you never give. You contribute nothing to society. The only reason you’re still alive is because you’re leeching off of mommy’s retirement pension. You are the scum of humanity. Why do you even go on anymore? If all you have to live for is being an overweight, masturbation-addicted, basement-dwelling wreck, why are you still here? You’ve already cut yourself off from society, why don’t you just finish the job and end it all yet? Believe me, the world will be better off without you. Plus, you don’t have much longer, anyway. It’s only a matter of time before your parents have had enough of you and send you out to the streets to starve, or your tortured organs finally can’t take the strain of sustaining your putrid, bloated body anymore, and you have a fatal heart attack. Death’s knocking on your grease-stained door. You might as well just speedrun it and an hero already. The very few people that actually know who you are will rejoice when they discover you’re no longer wasting Earth’s precious resources to perpetuate your pathetic existence. Your life has no meaning. Just do it. The world will be much more beautiful without you. This isn’t a joke. KiII yoursеlf.