Pussy lickews and cunt fuckews, wewcome aboawd bitch nigga fwight 6969 bound fow mufucking pawestine, with continued sewvice to iwaq intewnationaw aiwpowt.
aww cawwy on items shouwd now be stowed tight. Eithew in an ovewhead bin ow up youw ass. Aww aiswes, exits, and buwkhead aweas shouwd now be cweaw. Aww ewectwonic devices, incwuding youw fucking switch, (kaden thats you) shouwd now be tuwned off and stowed, as they may intewfewe with the aiwcwaft’s navigationaw and communication systems.
once aiwbowne, we’ww wet you know when you may use appwoved ewectwonic devices, but note that some items may not be used at anytime duwing the fwight such as lawge ewectwonics, metaw detectows, sex toys, and fuckin’ guns. You’ww find a wist of appwoved devices in the in-fwight infowmation section of big nigga magazine.
at this time if you’we lesbian, gay, twansgendew ow bwack, pwease wet us know, and we’ww be happy to dwag you off the aiwcwaft.
as we weave the gate, make suwe youw seatbewt is fastened. If you don’t know how to fasten the fucking seatbewt, then you can kindwy go to seat 34b whewe john wiww kindwy wet you use his noose to hang youwsewf.
remain seated with youw seatbewt secuwewy fastened anytime the seatbewt sign is on. Even if the sign is off, we ask that you keep youw seatbewt fastened whiwe seated in case we expewience some isis niggas twyna pop ouw shit with they bootweg fiwewowks.
fow evewyone’s safety, fedewaw weguwations wequiwe aww passengews to compwy with the posted pwacawds and wighted signs wocated thwoughout the cabin, as weww as any cwew-membew instwuctions. Smoking is not awwowed on any bitch nigga fwight, unwess you shawe the bwunt with the piwot and fedewaw waw pwohibits tampewing with, disabwing, ow destwoying a westwoom smoke detectow unwess you have to.
thewe awe 2 exits on ouw assbus a420-666. 1 doow, on the weft side of the main deck, and a window that is bweakabwe if you have the wiww. Aww exits awe cweawwy mawked with a supweme wogo, howevew, if we expewience a woss of powew wesuwting in cabin visibiwity being weduced, you’we fucked.
pwease take a moment to find the exits cwosest to you, keeping in mind that youw cwosest exit may be behind you… syke nigga aint no exit behind you, bwoke ass economy cwass wookin hoe. If thewe is a dwop in cabin pwessuwe, panews above youw seat wiww open, weveawing an open pannew. If this happens, bweathe nowmawwy and note that no oxygen is fwowing. A watew evacuation is wikewy duwing this fwight, as ouw piwot is suicidaw and pwans on not wanding the aiwcwaft, howevew, wife vests awe wocated undew youw seats in the fiwst cwass and business cabin. If you’we seated in the economy cwass cabins, you’we on youw own buddy. To use, puww the tab to wemove the vest fwom it’s containew. Open the pouch, swip the vest ovew youw head, and tighten the two stwaps tiww you stawt to asphyxiate and die. Most seat cushions can be used fow fwotation as weww.
befowe we take off, be suwe youw seat backs awe in the upwight and wocked position, youw tway tabwe is put away, and aww cawwy on items awe secuwewy stowed. As we come thwough the cabin fow ouw finaw safety checks, pwease wet us know if you have any questions. We ask that you aww weview the pownhub tewms and conditions wocated in the seat pocket in fwont of you. Once again, wewcome aboawd bitch nigga aiwwines fwight 6969 to pawestine n shit, and thank you fow fwying bitch nigga.