BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Republican Presidential Hopeful, Orange Man apologist, grandma killer, and all-around bad man DeSantis uses racist, outdated terms while speaking about stunning and gorgeous future leader of mankind Ãléxäñdriá Ocàsiö Cõrrrrrrtéz, referring to Indigenous Folx of Inuit descent as “Esk\*mos”. How this will affect the LGBT community and the ✊🏿BLM✊🏿 movement is yet to be seen, but fiery but mostly peaceful protests have already begun across the nation in response to his hatred. In related news, beautiful and brave Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats begin to work on Articles of Impeachment for DeSantis, in their own words, quote “Just in case.”

COMING UP AT 11: Martin Luther King Jr: secret puppet of the KKK? Maxine Waters and George Floyd’s Ex-Girlfriend join us to discuss the Reverend’s hateful, racist, Pro-White rhetoric.