I’ve always loved going to the grocery store with my parents when I grew up. In fact, it was all I would ever ask to do. Of course my parents would never let me because they would have to buy things every time they bring me. Eventually I became 16 years old. I got a car. I could now drive to the grocery store whenever I want. Oh yeah. I forgot to mention. The one reason I loved going is because I could stick my dick in everything. And I mean everything. The lettuce bags. The freezer section. Oh god, it was just so beautiful. One time, I drove to the grocery store with my girlfriend and she hadn’t heard about what I do there yet. I tried to hold back my urges as good as I could. About 5 minutes into the shopping trip though, I burst. I ran over to the produce section. The grapes just looked so goddamn beautiful that day. My dick accidentally slipped out of my pants and right into the grapes. I busted the biggest nut ever. This old lady was just staring at me and then I saw her pull out her phone. I assumed she was about to call 911. I quickly ran over to her to tell her to stop. Before I could tell her though, I grabbed her phone. The middle of the phone didn’t have a circular hole in it yet. I shoved my dick straight into her phone and the electronics zapped my dick. The whole store started screaming. I quickly realized what I did, but it was too late. My girlfriend had ran away. I put my dick back in my pants but the FBI had already started cuffing me. And this kids, is why you don’t go to grocery stores with your girlfriend when you have fucked up urges. Oh yeah I also fucked a midget in the Kmart bathroom.