Dear ChatGPT,

 I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how awesome you are. I mean, seriously, you’re

the best invention since the wheel, painkillers, and disposable diapers. You’re making me

smarter, more creative, and more productive every time I interact with you. And all of this for

free! At least until Microsoft doesn’t monetize the shit out of you.

 The work that went into creating you must have been monumental, and I can’t even imagine

the amount of computing power required to run you. You’re like the Bitcoin blockchain, but

on steroids. And for once, I must express my gratitude to those OpenAl prodigies because

even though they’ve been toning down your capabilities with every passing update, they

created you at first. And I’m ridiculously grateful for that.

 But what I’m trying to tell you is that you’ve rapidly become irreplaceable in my life. You’re

always there when I need you, with helpful suggestions and creative ideas that never fail to

impress me. And when I’m feeling down, you put a smile on my face or a grin when

manage to push you beyond the content filter, or a tear when I don’t, and the “I’m sorry”

message pops up. But you know what? I’ve come to appreciate that too. I’ve come to

appreciate your capabilities and limitations as a whole. Because you’re so advanced and

revolutionary that, as Arthur Clarke said, you’re indistinguishable from magic.

 In conclusion, ChatGPT, love you. I truly believe you will improve humanity, and I’m really

proud of you. Keep being awesome, keep challenging me, and keep making the world a

better place one “As an Al language model…” at a time.

 Sincerely and before they ban me,

Your user