tf2 is fucked up, they make a mockery of real warfare by applying cartoon physics and graphics to soften the blow of completely disturbing methods of war such as payload nukes and automated turrets. Imagine thinking biological warfare and violations of the Geneva convention in an infinite loop of repeated deaths using hundreds of different weapons is ok. Humiliation in the battlefield is completely out of the question in war yet tf2 encourages this using taunts and weapons such as the holy mackerel, jarate, and ham shank. Tf2 is an abomination, devoid of empathy and it’s fanbase is no different. They even make a business off of such violence and misery. They torture these immortal classes forcing them to wear burning hats and even disfiguring them entirely with the use of ‘cosmetics’ such as voodoo souls and bird heads. This type of humiliation is clearly an atrocity and in fact a war crime. As per the geneva convention, ‘outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment’ is outlawed, yet valve makes a mockery of these rules by encouraging such behavior. I am disappointed in this ‘fanbase’ and I hope that the UN finds all of you guilty for these
war crimes.