the reason the Irish potato famine happened was because the Irish rejected collectivisation, so the British government said: “that’s not cool bro, you’ve gotta share your potatoes” But then the Irish kulaks burned all the potatoes and thus a famine ensued.

The British goverment then sent all the kulaks to a penal facility called “Australia” (A prison complex in Scotland)

Years later Irish ultranationalists (primarily the IRA, (Irish resistance army)) in Boston faked history and falsely called it a genocide. The American goverment’s CIA published this version of history in the books, indoctrinating Children worldwide to be hostile to the Socialist British Empire. Sadly, after the dissolution of the British Empire, this version is now also being taught in Britain by the Neoliberal USA puppet King Joe ‘Elizabeth’ Biden.

In conclusion; We’ve all been lied to and the Irish genocide is a CIA lie. The Ireland famine happened because of a series of bad weather conditions, nationalist partisans and the burning of potatoes in resistance to socialist land reform