Have you ever just walked down the street and found a lady with a baby in a in a pram, then took the baby and ran away watching her scream and run after you until she falls over and you turn the corner and continue ’till you get to your house after attracting many suspicious pedestrians to call the police at which point you’ve already hid the baby away in your secret basement where the kids feast on succulent, tender flesh straight from a loving mothers arms then the police come a-knockin’ to inquire about a kidnapping in the neighbourhood where you reply that you’ve seen nothing and that you were carefully tending to your child farm then wait for them to realise what you just said and you swiftly slash their knees and carve out there spines then drag their bodies into the living room and put them on the suspiciously mountainous lump under the blood stained rug prior to putting your feet up and watching strictly! #relatable