today’s 🗓 music 🎶 is like absolute shit 💩, it is always 🙄 about sex 👫 and vulgar 🔞 stuff, I have to think 1000s 🔟☓💯 of times ⌚ before playing 🎸 a song 🎶 in front of my family👪. The tunes🎵 and beats🥁 are cool😎 but if the lyrics 🗯️are shit 🧻 what’s ❔ the point?

Including✔️ kissing 💋 or something ✅like that is okay 👍but giving every damn detail ✏ , gosh 🤦‍♀️chill ❄ .

And then 😂 we ask 🤔 ourselves why ❔ is today’s 📆 generation 🧒 so spoiled 🤬, it is another⚠️ thing to be 👏’woke’ 👏 but not🚫 being a **virgin 😯 at age 13 🔞is 🙅‍♀️🆗NOT 🙅‍♀️🆗OKAY🙅‍♀️🆗.**Take Danielle Cohn 🤢 as an example🤔, whether she’s 🔞13 or 15🔞, does not🚫 matter, no teen🧒 should be posting 📵 videos📽️ of them half-naked 🍑 and making out 👄 with their 💝boyfriends/girlfriends 👩‍❤️‍👨.

The type ❗ of stimulation 🖥️📱💻💿 we provide the children 🧒with matters A LOT⚠️

For instance🤔, take Billie Eilish🙄, the music 🤮 she produces 😒has got half ❗of the children🧒👧 fucking ⚠️❗depressed😥, then The Weeknd 😒 constantly sexualizing 🔞 everything⚠️. No🚫 hate ✌️ to these artists 🎨 but seriously🤦‍♀️.

In olden 🎩times🕰️ teenagers 👩‍🦰 used to fight 💪 wars 🇺🇸 and conquer 🏆 nations 🌎 but in this generation😒, the teenagers 👩‍🦰 are grinding🔞 and twerking🔞 on tiktok 📱to get likes👍👍. Nice👎

Of course 😊not everyone’s🌎 like this but ⚠️majority ✔️ive met are❗