Born in Las Vegas, Nevada. Grew up in Manhattan Beach, CA. Graduated from UC Berkeley. On my 12th Mercedes Benz. Houses in Irvine Cove, Del Mar, San Francisco, West Hollywood, Las Vegas (of course), Dallas, Texas, and Tokyo, Japan. Over $30,000 of tattoos on my body. Usually shop at Bristol Farms, Gelsons, or Whole Foods Market. Average 1 Amazon package a week. Thats down from 2 a week this time last year. Worth a good $350 million not counting the houses I live in. Prefer eating pussy from the back. Love and I mean love getting my dick sucked. Almost 300 pounds but carry it like I am 200 pounds. Alexa’ed the shit out of my house. San Francisco 49er fan. Could live on sushi. (sometimes I do) Excelled at tennis and soccer in my youth and could have easily turned pro. Have fucked everyone in the porn business that I wanted to. Hate cigarettes, fake tits, fake eyelash extensions and anyone who is stingy with cheese on my food in general. Donated $500,000 to the Trump/Pence campaign in 2016. Think that’s enough for now, don’t you?