Just think about it. They always say that they hate people. Well, there are about 8 billion people all around the world as of now. They hate all of them for no justifiable reason, but to only say that they have something to dislike.

Now take the average racist. He hates black people and a lot of brown folks. For this experiment, I will take the black population of America and the entirety of the African population. The white minority in that continent can just zip their mouths while I work.

Black Americans number in 41.1 million in 2020 and Africa’s number is at 1.37 billion. Together combined is a lot of people, but still nothing compared to the amount that introverts hate. Now let’s add Gypsies and Jews to the variable. We will just combine Romania’s 19.29 million people to Israel’s 9.2 million Hebrews. All in all, that is 1,439,590,000 people. Nowhere near the 8,000,000,000 population that introverts despise. Let’s add some more minorities that gets harassed all the time, the Asians. For this, I will only take those Asians that receive a lot of hate. Every Asian experiences some form of racism in their lives, but I will only add those that suffer through it most. Them being the Muslim Arabs and East and Southeast Asians. Arabs have 436 million, East Asians have 1,687,686,195, and lastly, the water Balkans have 655,298,044 folks. Total: 4,218,574,239. We have only gotten to half of the human race. Let’s add some more. Let’s pick the Latinos this time. They have a population of 680,000,000 back in 2018. We are now amounting to 4,898,574,239 people who go through racism the most. Only a little over half of the people that introverts hate. Therefore proving that introverts are worse than racists.

Racists are only annoying to about 4,898,574,239 of the human race. While as introverts will tell every person in the world that they are an introvert and will not shut the fuck up about being one even though the whole shebang of their group is not talking, then wonder why people avoid them so much.

A racist will only punch you once and get beaten up by the police. An introvert will ruin every aspect of your life telling you how it’s so nice to never go outside and how it’s great that people can’t see their faces behind a mask. Yeah, no shit, it’s nice. You’re ugly. No one wants to see your stupid fucking face. Wear a hijab next time, you bigot.

They think it makes them quirky and funny saying that they hate people who did no wrong to them. Who have never even met them. The kindest introvert is a Nazi compared to the most racist racist.