Why is there a terrorist on the news! My grandma looked over my shoulder and saw this!! All Muslims should be chopped up into a million pieces and fed to their families since they don’t wanna eat pork! “Oh I’ll just have the beef” shut the fuck up you towel head, no you will not! Eat your child’s leg you dirty sand nigger!! The only reason you will not eat pork is because you aren’t a cannibal!! Muslims are not true people and are considered pigs where I come from! If you are a terrorist Isis towel head then stay away from us whites!! You need to stay in your shithole of a country called Afghanistan!! You do not deserve to live, all Muslims are sick with a disease that can only be cured by death! Sickening!!!! This is what a Muslim looks like —> 👳🏾🐐💣!! Do YOU want that dirty sick Muslim around your families?? Your children? Your spouse? Well the answer is NO!! If you ever even thought about saying yes then you need to go live in afghan and see what they really do to goats and children there!! Well, spoiler alert; IT AINT PRETTY!!!!!!!!! First time I saw a sand nigger, I threw up everything I had in my stomach! It was sickening!! Even one of the toughest males in the whole god damn world could not bare to smell their stench for more than 15 seconds!!!