Why the fuck do you believe it is in your rights to treat me like a piece of shit? Allow me to alert you to the realisation that it should be within your best interest to fucking provide me with those there citations next time, but it would be my best guess that your tiny little brain is too simple to even comprehend what it is that I’m asking. When someone asks for a goddamn citation, you need to put all your tiny little brain to fucking work and actually provide a citation. If you post any kind of information on this here website, you have to be ready to back it up with citations, mmkay? You’ve been a redditor for 7 months now and I’m kind of surprised that you haven’t gotten it through your thick skull before now. Anyway, I do believe it was fucking obvious that I was indeed requesting whether or not you have any citations of whether or not you had or had not read ‘The Selfish Gene’ yonks ago, and to maybe provide some extra links on how that is more relevant in this here situation to help assist me. You do understand why, right? Without you explaining yourself via citations, it just appears as if you are portraying a family guy gag where every point and or reference is completely irrelevant to the greater plot, and I must admit that Family Guy is not something I enjoy. A fat man going around and bullying his daughter, a pedophile chasing after a fat boy and a talking psychopathic baby just doesn’t seem to make good TV. It would not have made TV back in my day, when we actually watched good content. It is quite obvious that I was not in need of evidence of the book being real or not, since I am an intellectual and would have obviously come to the conclusion that the book was indeed real in this here lifetime. But you telling me just to google it is you just being a lazy redditor, which I will not, and I repeat will not tolerate without mentioning it – though I assume that you assumed you were just going to get away with it.