Fellas, do you like good juicy pussy? Find you a big girl. Let me tell you. Them big girls got some big juicy pussy cause a lot of guys dont wanna tap on em. Now dont get me wrong, some of em pussies may stank cause they big and they dont wash real good. But one time I went diving deep into some fat girl with some good pussy. And I almost married that bitch and I was 15 years old. And that pussy was good… as a matter of fact.. Guadalupe McGillicuddy you out there contact me girl cuz you got some good ol juicy yank-yank. Now like I said you want some good puss? Find you a big girl. They pussy good , some of em clean, so big girls wash them puss so them boys could dive in your fat jush and yall can get yall some love too. Give the big girls some shots . Them pussies good and juicy.