why did you decline my trade????? that was a FAIR trade!!!!!Β  😀 😀 😀 headresses only go for rare mech angel wings, you know? you should learn your rarities and also ur a scammer!!! im telling my mom you declined my TRADE you BULLY SCAMMER poopie dumbdumb!!! my mom is EMAILING ANIMAL JAM right now!!!! and once they find out u declined my TRADE theyll be like β€œWOW BULLY!!!!!! MUST BAN” and u’ll get banned FOREVER!!!!! u bully!!!! stupid bully!!!! scammer!!!! everyone report!!!!! they will SCALLOP YOU!!!! have fun being BANNED FOREVER, bully!!!!! go learn ur RARITY before you decline my offers, mousebrain foxdung!!! πŸ’© πŸ’© πŸ’© u know, i can fight you too!!!!! i know ADVANCED animal jam warrior cats roleplay anatomy!!!Β  😺🐈 Β ZZ the alabaster shecat unsheated her sharp monumental unguis as her caudal appendage furiously swayed, sibilating in a splenetic lower tone ZZ!!!! 😈 😈 😈 ZZ she belligerently approached the POOPY DUMBDUMB MOUSEBRAIN FOXDUNG!!! ZZ she pounced on her foe and kILLED HER INSTANTLY BECAUSE SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF SCOURGE and TIGERCLAW WHO SECRETELY HAD KITS ( hot yaoi x3 😻 😻 😻  ) WHICH R THE MOST POWERFUL OF ALL NN NM NH ND NL ZZ haha, take that BULLY!!! i shall go on to ascend into KAWAII SAKURA CHAN CLAW\~ and TAKE OVER THE FORESTS OF JAMAA!!!! have fun getting banned forever, SCAMMER BULLY!!! i