I can get the “cartoon villain” motif, it’s like, “paper tiger” without all the world politics in tow. I admit, my froward behavior clouds my wit and wisdom, more so than it already is oblique. Yes, Charles, I am well aware of my mindset not being in sync with the masses. I’ve been keen to this fact even before 6th grade when I gave an impromptu lesson on multiverse theory before climbing out the window in church because there was no teacher nor substitute therein such classroom at that time. Point being, I didn’t get along with my peers and would make a spectacle of myself when all else fails even back then, if nothing else has changed, I’ve grown more bitter and entrenched. You gotta be odd, to be number one, dear boy. But by all means, protect your ego. Try saying I’m “entertaining enough to keep around”. My boy, there is nothing you have on me. Quite the contrary. In this scenario in front of a female, Charles, I’m calling you out as a bitch and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it, bitch.