The sad thing is… you wouldn’t say that to my face. I’d smack you silly… Your tiny brain can’t perceive a world which doesn’t fit the model your school system taught you!
Do you believe everything you’re learning in high school? Do you believe we evolved from apes too?? Lmao sit the fuck down Kid!
You’re still in high school and you think you know more than someone who is almost done with his Undergraduate degree? Hahaha
There are many professors and doctors who reject gravity. The Flat Earth is a growing movement and there will be tons of new literature and research regarding it in the coming years.
You deserve a slap in the face and you need a reality check. The truth is hard to handle at first. You simply haven’t done your research and you’re still processing and digesting the truth.
You’re truly a brainwashed idiot… you sound like a robot who is programmed to defend a lie… it’s pretty funny actually. 😂