My bestfriend claims that I’m not a male, here is the story

“We had a bathtub watermelon date, No penis was showing!” She said. “I’m turning emo now…. I’m gonna go listen to my emo music now you baka!” I said to her. “E-Ew!!!” She replied. “YOU! YOU DID THIS TO ME.” \*Barks in emo furry baka bad boy\* “M-meow” “Ur a bad little kitten… ” \*Barks at you\* “You know what happens to bad little kitties don’t you.” \*Woof Woof\* \*Tears my shirt and flexes abs\* \*Picks you up and throws you across the room!\* “O-OMG, WHAT HAVE I DONE, I-I-” \*Runs towards her and picks her up\* “K-kitten I’m sorry. What have I done to you.” ‘Awooooo” \*Howls to my pack members\* “Guys!! Look what i did.”

“Well.. Thats not very sugoi…”my friend said

“Oi, oi, oi, Whats with all the howling”

“Uh oh!! Alpha wolf is here.” “Whos kitten is that.” alpha said. “Mine sir alpha sigma wolf…” \*He barks\* “Why did you hurt this innocent kitten!!!” “She released my inner alpha wolf sir…”
\*Alpha wolf grabs me and scratches me\* “O-OW!!! SIR ALPHA WOLF, IM SO SORRY.”I screamed “WE DONT HURT OUR KITTENS”, he barks at me
\*BARK BARK BARK\* “SCRAM,” He yelled.

“YESSIR ALPHA WOLF” I said and then i ran away. \*He picks up my kitten\* “You aigh sugar?” “Your head is bleeding.”