If I post as an obviously autonomous person, I believe people react so strongly in a negative way because it disallows casual objectification. I exist in reality and not purely as an object of fantasy. When that happens, men project their anger and insecurities onto me (or any other women doing something like this) because they feel I serve as a reminder for what they will never have. Not to mention I am sure people are angry because they feel I get positive feedback all the time and I must be “attention whoring”.
Although in actuality, none of these people know me or what my standards are, and they might actually be pretty surprised what would happen if they behaved with class and dignity. 🙂
And as many other people have said, if I were a man doing this, no one would blink an eye. I understand that’s par for the course here on reddit, but I am here to say fuck your misogyny 🙂

Source: http://reddit.com/r/pics/comments/4eyqbr/people_say_i_resemble_audrey_hepburn/d24sxf1