I wanna smash red from among us. I know it isn’t normal and I’ve tried to block my love for them out but I can’t. Their sussy amorgus dumpy is too thicc and I just get harder the more I try to stop myself. Every time I play amogust I get a raging boner and I can’t even focus. People will ask me where I was and I’ll just say “big juicy ass” over and over again until I get voted out. Sometimes I’ll see red vent and I just start moaning uncontrollably. My parents are considering putting me up for adoption because every inch of my room is covered in Cum from all the agongus porn I’ve been watching. I painted red from ayungis on my wall and now I’m constantly ejaculating. I have to wear snow shoes just to enter my room without drowning now and I love it. As much as I love living now that red from abugus is in my life I’m afraid I will soon die from nutrient deficiency due to the overwhelming amount of Cum being produced. It was fun while it lasted.