Human Nature – throughout all of human history human nature has been the dominant motivator for all humans. Human nature is the motivator behind everything, on a collective basis it means expansion, exploration, knowledge, technological advancement and civilization as a whole. On an individual basis it means greed, egoism, exploitation, and self gratification. Up until recently they have always been merged together, the power of a civilization was put into the hands of a few individuals, any opportunity to take advantage of the collective masses was taken by those few individuals, that was until a couple centuries ago when we the collective saw through the system which allowed for this individual power. We began putting the power into the hands of the collective, we destroyed any system which allowed for the individual to exploit the collective, and through it all we rationalized it with human nature, recognizing its flaws and its egoistic intentions, realizing that human nature is a great thing when harnessed by the collective and insuring it never falls back into the hands of the individual, insuring the destruction of any abstraction or system that can take away the power of the collective and put it back into the hands of the individual.

Whatever happened to this mindset, have we forgotten human nature? Have we become so unsubstantiated that we are beginning to chose to put that power, that of which we have worked to hard to control and maintain right back into the hands of a few individuals, the tech giants? Why? so that we can ‘compete’ withe the AI, ludicrous. We are not ‘competing’ with the AI, we are embracing it! We are allowing it to infiltrate our minds, and do you know who will be the ones conducting this AI? The answer is CEO’s of big tech companies! Does no one else see what is happening? What is happening is a Technocratic takeover, big tech wants to control you, they want to exploit your mind for a source of capital. I am not the sort of person to cry ‘wake up sheeple’ but this is different from any sort of cryptic conspiracy theory I’ve seen, this is simply an example of what happens when the collective forgets about human nature. This is an example of a dystopia promising a utopia. I urge everyone to reject this embezzling piece of technology for the sake of the collective. Do not be fooled by the tech companies trying to take away your liberties.