d’awww! stwuggwes to get fwee pwayfuwwy to no avaiw. Soon, I begin choking, and beg fow mewcy, but wecieve none. You tighten youw gwip and my vision begins to bwuw. I stawt thwowing punches aimed at youw head, biting and kicking, in a despewate attempt to stay awive. Bwood stawts to twickwe down fwom youw head. Awwwgh! >w< I finawwy fwee myswef, taking a moment to catch my bweath, then weap on you and gwab youw awm. I snap it ovew my weg and fwee whiwe you awe stiww dazed and on the gwound. I quickwy diaw the powice. >/~/< Offciew! Officew! Hewp me! owo;;; he is twying to kiww me!- the message is cut off by the sound of scweams