AITA for pooping on my friends bed

 Okay I know from title it sounds very bad. But trust me it is not a troll and I have a reason for doing this.

For context I (26M) am white and my long time girlfriend (26F) is latina.

Many of my friends in high school went to the same college as me or in the same city, which was where I met my girlfriend. I have always been the butt of the jokes among my friends, but I was fine with it. I was also afraid to stand up against two of them which we will get into later. Anyway, they would make immature “your girlfriend loves me” jokes, as well as jokes about her cheating on me. They annoyed me, but I don’t think this was anything to end a friendship over. They also made jokes about me being Jewish (I have a big nose), and “racemixing”. As time passed, more and more of the friend group matured the only immature ones remaining being people we will call Patrick and Frank. Thinking about it, they have always been much worse than the rest, Patrick being the worse one and bullying several kids even in high school. Patrick and Frank started to make fun of me constantly, for many things, my career choices, my physique (this is also contributed to why I was scared to confront them, they are a lot bigger), my relationship, my interests, etc. I was growing really bothered and started to distance myself from them. Recently, they found me and started laughing at me, Patrick was bragging, saying my girlfriend “loves his dick”. As things continued, they insinuated that this wasn’t just a joke and he had actually had a sexual relationship with her. I talked to her about it and she said it was true, she apologized and said she did it impulsively, regrets it and will never do it again. I immediately flew into a fit of rage, more so at Patrick than my girlfriend. I immediately went to his house, where once again I was being laughed at. I know he is a hypochondriac, so I had the idea to go to his bed and poop on it, which was exactly what I did. I got kicked out of his house for it, and other friends messaged me calling me an asshole. Even my girlfriend said what I did was “embarrassing” and she didn’t want to be seen with me after it. So, AITA?