My husband (45M) and I (37F) have been together for 18 years, and we have a (15F) daughter. He and his college buddy (46M) have been friends for 25 years. We recently hosted a birthday party for my daughter (15F), with many of her friends (15-17F) and other family members (8-60M/F). The party was going well. Until my husband (45M) and his friend (46M) were reminiscing the “glory days” and then friend proudly yells “hey remember when I was arrested for drugging that girl so I could fuck her?” My husband and him just laughed. Now everyone’s looking at them. So I trotted over and asked him to explain. He said he drugged a (15F) who snuck into their frat party (21M). I asked why and he said “she deserved it because little girls shouldn’t try to party with the big boys”. This was a record screech moment. I literally threw him out Uncle Phil style. My husband flipped and said I’m being a “drama queen” and his buddy is a changed man who made a mistake like all (21M) do. I said “if that’s true then you did it too, attempted rape is not a mistake.” Then I threw his ass out for defending him. This is ridiculous. We have a (15F) daughter and her friends (15-17F), who are apparently unsafe because my husband invites a predator AND defends him. I’m so done. Now my husband’s parents are saying I’m ruining our marriage over something stupid. And my daughter is getting ridiculed at school for having a psycho mom and rapey dad. AITA?